I'm a huge Pixar fan, and this is my favorite piece of Pixar-memorabilia.
It's a limited edition Mike Mignola Mr. Incredible poster from SDCC 2004, signed by Brad Bird and Mike Mignola.
Funny story about that poster. When they announced that there was going to be a "Incredibles" panel at SDCC 2004, they announced that this poster was going to be given away only to people who were at that panel, and there would be a special signing featuring Bird and Mignola right after the panel. One of my favorite artists doing an illustration for the new movie by one of my favorite directors from my favorite film studio? I was so there. I went to panel, which was awesome, and they handed out tickets to everyone in attendance. They then told us that to get the poster, we would have to redeem the ticket in a special redemption room, and that the signing was going to be starting in 15 minutes in the autograph hall. So I ditched my friend who I went to the panel with, and ran like a madman to get the poster. As soon as I get the poster, I run back to the autograph hall. I finally find the line, and discover that they actually set up two different lines for Bird and Mignola, I also see that they have a pile of posters that they are handing out right at the front of the line. Since Bird was supposedly leaving after the signing to head back to the studio to finish the film, I decided that I can get Mignola later, and focus on Brad Bird. So I wait for the next 2 hours.
Just to be the guy right at the cut off point. The first person on line not to get an autograph.
So the time I wasted running to get a poster cost me the chance to meet Brad Bird.
Well, the guys right behind me didn't take to that very well, and freaked out. So bad that they had to be taken out by security. Me? I just watched quietly as Brad Bird was escorted out of the building, realizing I wasted 2 hours of comic-con time.
A few months later, I was at an awards dinner where Brad Bird was receiving a "Best Animated Film" award for "The Incredibles." I brought my poster along, hoping to get him to sign it. I talked to Bird for a little while, proclaiming my love for both "The Incredibles" and his previous film, "The Iron Giant". I explained my story, and he said "You're not the guy who started the fight are you?" I assured him I wasn't, and he agreed to sign it. It reads:
"To Steve,
Sorry about Comic-Con
Thanks for hanging in there!
-Brad Bird"
I got Mignola to sign it the next May at Wizard World Philly, and now it hangs proudly in my living room.