I finally scored an Ed-209. Anyone here overwhelmed by the size of this thing when they first got it? Unfortunately I got the Battle Damaged version the "bullet holes" really looks like crud... I want to get this guy repainted and weathered.
Does anyone think Hot Toys will make any more Robo themed figures in future?
I would love an Alex Murphy figure, with an extra battle damaged hand & body armour etc. Or has anybody here ever done a custom Murphy figure from the beginning of the movie?
Would also love a Clarence figure too.
A pic I took some time back. This has Rismo's brilliant repaint of Robo's face.
I was thinking about maybe getting some people together and doing a group commission type thing. For people with the BD that want the regular arm, and for people with the regular that'd like the BD arm. Send both arms to have recasts done, and then pay for a copy of the one you want.