Mr. Fusion
Super Freak
Cool looks good, I have that and looks good next to the 12 inch battle damaged robo from mcfarlane and my robo berretta.
Boxed up at the moment but will fish it out soon and post some pics.
The poster is definately worth the money.
If you like robocop you won't be disapointed......hopefully.
It's the best 3d poster mcfarlane have made imo.
I have had a few different ones including
"Nightmare on elm street" pretty good
"Rocky" not great but a big fan so had to have it
"Friday the 13th" ok nice detail
"Alien" with light up egg" personal favourite film and nice feature on the egg and foreground net effect
"Jaws" which is second best imo
But the robo one needs to be seen to appreciate it.
Really nice colouring and the open squad car door really brings it to life.
Thanks man! I really love this piece. The only other McFarlane Pop Culture poster I have is ALIEN. It's pretty badass, too.
As for a DX Robo, I would welcome it. After seeing the Iron Man (in pictures only