Quick question, does anyone out there have the Hot Toys- Robo Cop 3 Sideshow exclusive gun arm version (not the flightpack), trying to locate one for reference.
i just got one

Quick question, does anyone out there have the Hot Toys- Robo Cop 3 Sideshow exclusive gun arm version (not the flightpack), trying to locate one for reference.
Mag's backwards on your Flightpack Robo.![]()
Aside from the different head w/removable helmet, the paint seems to be more blue on the jetpack version. Is this the flash making it look more pronounced? Can you take a photo w/o flash?
i just got one!
Luscious Pics. I miss my flight pack version. I still have the regular, but flight pack is the bees knees as far as I am concerned.
Mag's backwards on your Flightpack Robo.![]()
The gun mag on the Gun Arm is right, it's how it was in the movie.
Ah Robocop, great stuff.
I actually just bought the 18" NECA Robocop, MIB at a convention last weekend, I'm pretty impressed with it. I saw it, and didn't really think much of it. The vendor had it for 50 bucks, but I wasn't sure I wanted it. Towards the end of the day I decided I didn't want to leave the place empty handed so I went back and offered him 40. Glad I did because he accepted it and Ibought it.
I wasn't expecting much but opening it up, it's very cool. Really surprised how articulated it is. Only gripe I have is the missing compartment in the leg, but I didn't expect it to have that anyway.
It's a nice piece. Solid, sturdy, one of the better buys I've had in awhile. The motion activated quotes are a nice touch too.
So lets see, I have this NECA version, the McFarlane 7", the 12" BD Mcfarlane, and three of this one nice 5" action figure (I don’t think it’s Kenner?). It has the blade that comes out of his hand, a removable helmet (damaged and non damaged) with Murphy underneath, two removable chest plates (damaged and non damaged) and of course his pistol. Not sure what line it's from, but it's pretty good.
I'd of course LOVE to own a Hot Toys version to really round out my Robo collection but the price kills it for me. I mean I can afford it but I don't feel comfortable throwing down that much on a figure. I actually had a chance at winning the Robocop 3 flight pack version for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but instead I chose Sideshow Boromir.Major fail on my part but eh, I only like the first Robocop anyway.
Screen accurate or not, it's backwards.![]()
Actually, the good news is, if you buy one and still feel the same after opening it (which you probably won't), you can drop it back on the bay and get your $$$ back. If I didn't already have one, I'd easily drop the cash to get him at his going rate. He's worth it IMHO.
Well i'm not so sure about that, and i'll explain why.
-The movie has the mag facing backwards
-The Kotobukiya version has it facing backwards
-The sideshow website has pictures of the mag facing backwards
-The hot toys Robocop 3 gunarm box has 4 pictures of it 3 are facing backwards, only 1 is facing forward.
-The hot toys Robocop 3 flight pack box has 5 pictures of it, all of them have the mag facing backwards.
how can you be so sure the mag should be pointing the other way around when everything else point to the contrary?
Oh I know. That's exactly what I'm afraid of though, deciding that I like it and KEEPING it at THAT price. That's why I'm keeping my distance (that, and it has rubber).
I can tell you right now that I wouldn't sell it after buying it on the secondary market, no matter what I paid. Compulsions are a strange thing. On one hand I'd enjoy the ____ out of owning it, on the other I'd be mad and upset with myself for paying that much for it.
First, I admitted to it being screen accurate backwards, but it's still backwards. Great if you're firing piro, but not so much if you're firing real bullets. How do I know? It's a Kalashnokov magazine.![]()
it's not backwords. it's a suicide gun.![]()
Well isn't that a whole different discussion?
Seeing how i will never fire this thing in real life (honest), i'll keep to the screen and box accuracy.
The way i interpreted your post, was you saying that i did not use the correct movie/toy pose for it.
I'm not gonna debate real life accuracy about fictional movie/toy stuff. That's just a way a way to slippery slope for me (people can get religious about their stuff). Round goes to you my friend.
it's not backwords. it's a suicide gun.![]()
Suicide is the Coolest!
All the kids are doing it!
Shhhhhh! Some Spawn.com refugee might take you seriously.![]()