lol@$300 head sculpts

And THATS exactly how a Dinobot should look. Jesus, what a beast of a figure. The articulation, the paint, the size of that thing.... Will pay my order off today. Excited for what GIGA is bringing to the market. Thankful because Fantiys pushed the envelope, and it shows.
As much as I love my QuakeWave, their midget sized Dinos just don't do it for me.
Enough said:
The Dino legs don't seem to bother me one bit, I really don't see them as an issue tbh.
Yes, it is a preproduction sample (much like the ones FT sends to early reviewers) but it's been said that the production piece will be actually improved on on certain aspects.
I'm hopeful GIGA will deliver.
I think that Dino looks great, but for me he is far too big. I wish there was a middle ground between this and FansToys.
GIGA takes this round IMHO.
GIGA from head to waist, FT waist down...but both version are awesome
my MP Decepticons
-I hope that other companies would sell a much better/sterner looking faceplate or head for Megatron
like what they did for MP Optimus
12" height of both leaders for me are better, their presence are "imposing" at my display cab.
nice depiction of snarl! -I have to wonder if ever Takara decides to complete the Dinobots how would they top these?
-have to agree, there are a lot of things that "magically vanishes" in the cartoons - specifically Optimus Prime trailer that
is shown sliding away from the TV frame then appears out of nowhere when he transforms back to vehicle mode but by
then Optimus is in another location ha..ha..
there's also that silencer that attaches to Megatron which was not included in his MP accessories
and lastly the rocket pack of Sideswipe which suddenly appeared in the 3rd episode of the cartoon series that Optimus borrowed