Super Freak
Yeah this seals it, Giga wins this round. I like the leg transformation better but everything else it completely succeeds at.
Also, Masterpiece Gobots! Not by Takara, but SoC Machine Robo figures by Bandai, based on the toyline that Gobots were adapted from.
Non-Transformers: Gokin Machine Robo / Masterpiece Gobots! - Transformers News - TFW2005
View attachment 164215
View attachment 164216
Do you know what I actually really like those MP style Go-Bots.
I actually had Go-bots before I got into Transformers (Still remember taking Cy-Kill to Infants School & losing a wheel & getting Kopter while staying at my aunts in Harlow, mum gave us all £5 & I got Kopter while my Cousin bout some Return of the Jedi Ewoks

Would be interested in seeing prices as I may grab a couple
After some consideration I've decided to get out of TF collecting and will be ebaying my collection over the coming weeks.
Try as I might, it's just not fun any more and the amount of petty pissing contests within the online fandom are so tiresome it's barely worth trying to discuss stuff.

Seriously man did I just read that??
I know things get a bit funny with the community...we're all hyper opinionated but just roll with it, it's only online anyway, we all have differing opinions & it's bound to happen.
Don't do'll regret it...and so will we

Oh & can I have your Quakewave
