I really dig that Decepticon Rattler. Will probably pick it up if I ever see it. Be too awesome if a mini Wild Weasel came with it. How does it scale with the MP figures? Just glancing at that PowerGlide, I'm wondering if he wouldn't fit in pretty well with an MP display. . .
Thanks. Since he was originally another mini-bot, I would be OK if he was the same size as BB, but not if he was much smaller.Oh, these don't scale well with MPs at all. The Powerglide mold is Legends class, which is smaller than MP Bumblebee.
I think these combiner wars toys seem pretty good for collectors, but may also be the best actual toys for kids to recapture what Transformers are all about. Very excited about the line's future.
I got Starsaber yesterday. I had to choose between which to purchase as the vendor had both Ultra Magnus and Starsaber. Magnus looked too blocky and Starsaber was much more proportioned. Plus Starsaber feels more like a triple changer (Starship, Spacestation docker, a gun turret -battle station using the shield and other parts for the little nebulon?)
Also, I found the sword handle is quite loose in the hands when gripping it. Therefore, i took a piece of clear fish tubing and slid it over the length of the handle. This works quite well and now he can grip the sword easily. Plus, this guy is awesome.
There would inevitably be some tradeoffs in one of the designs there, I'm sure, but I would love to see a great MP Astrotrain and Blitzwing. I had both as a kid, and was a pretty big fan of the Blitzwing toy. We've actually had a 3rd party Astrotrain that wasn't half bad.