Super Freak
Waiting for better official pics/videos before I even begin to judge Ironhide,learned my lesson from the last few reveals which at first looked subpar but ended up being spectacular.
I wish they'd show a color version with the clear chest to see how it compares to Bade Cube's new collector’s editions of their insecticons.
I hope that these insecticons. will be in scale with other mp series
Courtesy of talyn of TFW2005, here's a comparison with the animation model; his head is definitely woefully undersized, which is the first thing I noticed about him. Hopefully it's not too late for them to make it a little bigger. I also wish they'd paint the panels that form the sides of his torso black to match the shoulders; too much red on him currently, and I'm pretty sure the outward-facing side of those panels in robot mode end up inside the van in alt mode so painting them black on one side shouldn't be an issue.Now that my initial excitement has worn off a bit, I think that Ironhide does look a bit odd, proportionally. Like he doesn't look quite bulky/stocky enough somehow. Maybe if the head were slightly larger/wider.
I diffentley want a better ratchet and iron hide then when I was a kid
You're gonna make this guy cry.He doesn't have that "head and arms poking up from behind a windshield" look
Ironhide is looking good but I'll wait to see more before I get all hyper Excite
Just seen TFS-Express have popped up Fans Toys Hound for pre-order at a rather nice £55
Fans Toys FT-15 Willy - TFs Express
How soon do these guys get their stuff? I'm so anxious for this guy.
Wow, those are great.
Great work, they look fantastic!![]()
that looks great. I need that done to my optimus prime he looks like he`s dead with the dark eyes
do you make kits for the eye`s and matrix