Super Freak
Takara (United Warriors) Devastator is a must buy for me. Getting rid of TFC Hercules on my MP shelf.
And, if you were into BW at all, you are going to be very happy about this:
MP Optimus Primal coming in 2016:
Wasn't all that into it myself, but surprised nonetheless...
no... honestly it's a very tricky setup to get it to work. it requires completely breaking down the figure from the waist up.... well to do it right, that is. if you want everything buried inside the figure so you don't have wires hanging out anywhere. if you look at his panel where his head is attached... if you completely break it down... the posts that it swivels on... you use a micro drill bit and go thru to the post, then drill down thru the post then run the micro leds to the eyes.
these pics will give you an idea of what's involved...
how much to do something like and does it take away the articulation of the figure
Holy ****!!!
no... honestly it's a very tricky setup to get it to work. it requires completely breaking down the figure from the waist up.... well to do it right, that is. if you want everything buried inside the figure so you don't have wires hanging out anywhere. if you look at his panel where his head is attached... if you completely break it down... the posts that it swivels on... you use a micro drill bit and go thru to the post, then drill down thru the post then run the micro leds to the eyes.
these pics will give you an idea of what's involved...
My Sever finally shipped. I'll have him Monday.
that`s great I need him next. I have soar and scoria coming. I got the silver metal horn version of scoria and the blue soar version since I always wanted the cartoon version and not the Hasbro g1 version. I had two of those red versions of swoop in my time. but I love these new masterpiece`s transformers. I wished this was how the looked 31 years ago.My Sever finally shipped. I'll have him Monday.
I got Sever yesterday instead of Monday, but haven't had a chance to even open the box yet. I'll try to get to it today.