I need this
I'm really trying to pro/con Grapple and Inferno, because if I'm going to get either I'm only going to get one. On the one hand, Inferno comes out first, has I believe a sharper looking robot mode, and is the more iconic/well-known character. But on the other hand, Grapple would break up the predominantly red Autobots I currently own, has more interesting accessories, a better looking vehicle mode in my opinion, and "The Master Builders" was one of my favorite episodes as a kid.Not sure if this has been posted already.
yeah... the $140 price tag is getting out of contol!
yeah... the $140 price tag is getting out of contol!
I mean these guys are roughly the same size as Ironhide & Ratchet, right? Both of which were heavy on accessories. So why the $50 price hike?Agreed. It's just too much. Plus with the Yen being almost equal to the dollar, its not worth it to import anymore.
On a side note, I do like the orange color they chose.
Thus far I've limited my Masterpiece collection to Season One and '86 Movie (Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod) figures; I think I'm eyeing these Season 2 figures (and the Coneheads) only because Takara-Tomy has no other announced figures at this time...Yeah, at that cost Grapple may be the first standard (non-exclusive) 84-85 MP figure I skip out on. And I hate to do that, but. . .my Transformers love only goes so far!
Grapple looks nice but at £110 for a carbot no chance
The prices are getting silly now
Also the 3P efforts from MMC & Maketoys are both easily as good & at least £10 cheaper
Also just lately with the quality of 3P products & the choice of characters being released Takara are becoming far less relevant to my Transformers collecting...in fact 3P reveals get me far more excited than anything Takara have revealed in some time
I've decided the the FT Galvatron offering is probably as good as it's going go get so I'm ordering him, I can't wait forever for TT.
Agreed. It's just too much. Plus with the Yen being almost equal to the dollar, its not worth it to import anymore.
On a side note, I do like the orange color they chose.
I mean these guys are roughly the same size as Ironhide & Ratchet, right? Both of which were heavy on accessories. So why the $50 price hike?
Yeah, at that cost Grapple may be the first standard (non-exclusive) 84-85 MP figure I skip out on. And I hate to do that, but. . .my Transformers love only goes so far!
Grapple looks nice but at £110 for a carbot no chance
The prices are getting silly now
Also the 3P efforts from MMC & Maketoys are both easily as good & at least £10 cheaper
Also just lately with the quality of 3P products & the choice of characters being released Takara are becoming far less relevant to my Transformers collecting...in fact 3P reveals get me far more excited than anything Takara have revealed in some time
MMC Grapple is £85.
So that's £25 that can go towards something else....maybe an extra MMC Trailbreaker or whichever Hoist I decide on.
MMC are sticking to the Hasui approach (using multiple sources of reference as opposed to just the cartoon) and I'd sooner support that.
I'm still getting Optimus Primal & Cheetor from Takara but that's probably it unless they make more Beast Wars characters.
Normally my third-party purchases are placeholders until the official comes out. The way things are going with hastak raping people, third-party is going to start becoming my primary and hastak can pound salt with their absurd pricing!
Dammit!!! I hate getting bitter about something that I find enjoyment with. What's going on here is simple greed in it's truest form. Especially when you see things like the oversized MPP10 that is amazing and selling for $50 in China... Better in every way over the original and twice the size at almost a quarter of the cost. Just goes to show how much they are sticking it to people on current pricing.
While I do feel Takara is getting greedy, I don't think this is a fair comparison. Takara has artists, designers, engineers, sculpters, illustrators, painters & photographers to pay: the KO's don't. They just take all of Takara's hard work and clone it; their only costs are materials & manufacturing.In addition to the oversized and undersized MP10 KO's and oversized Grimlock, the straight KO's are getting better as well. If Takasa Tony can release a KO of Tracks with rubber tyres and tighter joints than the legit one for a tad more than £18 shipped then Takara's greed becomes very obvious.