My Anime Red Alert has arrived form Kapow. When it was announced I decided I'd wait until it was in hand before passing any judgement on it's basic paint scheme and see how it would fit in with the other MP figures I have. It definitely stands out from the rest of them, simply because it's so bland by comparison. I don't think the light grey works at all and much prefer the bright white of the original figure, and it feels very lazy for Takara. I mean, they could have done it properly and retooled the shoulders and maybe had the doors of the car hang off the arms like in the toon but they didn't bother, so it's a figure that obviously wasn't designed to slavishly follow the toon drawings trying to be something it's not, and for me this really does feel like a huge waste of money. I'm not sure how I'd feel about further such toon accurate repaints, I suppose I'd have to see them on their individual merits, but I'll be sticking with my original MP14.