Yeah, nostalgia drives my collecting habits here, so what Takara is doing appeals to me. But if I was driven by other things I might share others' opinions that are a bit more critical.
All is opinion and this is just mine. I definitely have not been a fan of Takara's MPs since like… Bumblebee I guess? I love the MMC Inferno. I don't even have any attachment to the character, I just think MMC's looks so good as a design and as a toy.
That said, Takara does do some neat stuff with accesories but hat's about the best I can say for them, at least in terms of my own personal likes and dislikes.
My opinion too
MMC (on the right) is by far & away the best of the 3
I own Maketoys & its a great figure but MMC have him beat
Takaras version is weak by comparrison
The lack of any details around the figure (legs etc.) makes it look so bland & unappealing
I'm ok with my one but I wish I'd waited on MMC version before commiting
I do feel I made the right decision by not bothering with Takara though, they failed here by sticking too close to the animation model & it just doesn't work
I dig it!View attachment 306818
I'm usually one to shy away from customizations, but this one is temporary so I can always undo it later on. One of the things that drives me nuts about Takara-Tomy's Masterpiece Shockwave is the garbage light-pipe eye; while great in theory, 95% of the time the eye just looks like a dull lime green as the yellow mixes with purple and no light passes through the back. So I popped out the eye, and in keeping with the original G1 toy, just found a reflective metallic surface to replace it with. In my case I used the copper end of an old RCA cable. Works great, and now the eye looks great no matter the lighting conditions.
I'm really surprised no 3rd party has offered a better-fitting solution to achieve the same goal. Still holding out hope we'll get a toy-accurate repaint of Shockwave at some point that does away with the grotesque lavender plastic and grey matte parts.
My Inferno just arrived from Amazon Japan. Super fast shipping, and the total cost to me, after the currency conversion, was $102 shipped. Not bad!My Anime Express shipping options were in my account this morning.
To ship Ratchet, Primal, and Inferno it was 4500yen for EMS or 2500yen for Economy.
Well I decided to try the economy shipping from AE this time. It cost me 22.60USD total.
I'll report back to let everyone know when I receive them. It says about 3 weeks. If this works well and you're willing to stack your MPs for months then this will still beat anyone else's offerings online.
Totals paid with shippng for each figure
2016 Takara MP Ratchet
2016 Takara MP Primal
2016 Tara MP Inferno
Nice pics!Since my Devastator´s finished, I was able to finally do a nice photoshoot:
My Inferno just arrived from Amazon Japan. Super fast shipping, and the total cost to me, after the currency conversion, was $102 shipped. Not bad!
MMC's is the best Inferno...Takara lacks the detail.Not saying Takara's doesn't look good,just MMC's fits the MP role better
I loved the cartoon as a kid but I loved the toys more.
Now when the MP line was first announced, I bought into it on the concept that q5hat we would get would be updated modern designs on the toys whilst still retaining the classic look.
I totally appreciate where TT are going and totally see the appeal but that basic design isnt for me.
I pre ordered.Great price for Inferno. When I pre paid for mine the yen was not doing well. I only received .96 to the dollar.
Did you pre order Inferno, or were you able to order him after he was showing in stock? The reason why I'm asking is if I wanted to buy another one I add him to my cart and it says shipping not available to my region which is the U.S.
I wonder if the only way you can lock in a figure shipped to the US is during the PO window and not when it says in Stock.
I dig it!
Nice pics!
Nice. But man, I would never put my collectibles on concrete or blocks or whatever. Grass is ok I guess.
I absolutely adore the cartoon, always have ever since I first laid eyes on it but like you I much prefer the MP line being more toy like than the cartoon.
I want the best of both but I prefer them to be more toy like than cartoon, the weak animation used a lot of the time in the cartoon does not IMO make for a good figure.
If it does continue this way then I can't see me sticking with Takara any further than Megatron (& even he is doubtful at the moment due to price & 3rd party offerings) & will move solely to 3rd party for my future TF collecting because they are actually putting out figures that I really want in my collection (FT Kup, MT Jazz, XT Cliffjumper etc.) so don't feel like I will miss out by cutting Takara out of my collection
I pre ordered.