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I just placed my first PO using Amazon Japan. I was able to PO Grapple shipped to U.S., I can see a 1 Penny charge on my card now. What I don't know is if Amazon.JP will charge me the full amount today, or wait till he ships in February. The Yen is up today around 113yen to every Dollar so I wouldn't mind if they charged me today. Its always a Gamble with the YEN.

Can anyone confirm that Amazon.JP will charge me the total amount 11,568Yen today, or when it ships?

Scored Mastermind Creations Carnifex AKA IDW Overlord and it´s my first full 3rd party figure, after buying the DNA Devastator upgrade kit.

Carnifex is insane. Big, chunky, all joints are super stiff, but in a stable way and not in a Paint-still-tacky-stiff and he holds poses extremly well.
Will post pics later, just wanted to get a BIG recommendation to buy off my chest.

If you can, get it.
Takara MP Artfire announced:




All in on this magnificent mold.
Damn, that does look nice. Great shots by that guy. Only thing I'm not really a fan of is the gray plastic. Looks cheapish, as I feel it does on the MP Starscream.
yeah thats the only thing that's a little off to me, but not going to pass it up. really excited to pick this guy up!

maketoys MP jazz is coming along looking pretty dam good too! prolly one of my most waited/desired mp bots...

i'm sure... the way these guys are fighting for product, i wouldn't be surprised to see 2 or 3 more pop up soon.
He looks good, but just a tad more stylized than I would like. I suspect someone else down the road will produce a Jazz I'm more in tuned with.

Yup... listen, all it takes is for these 3rd party co. to put their feeble attempts out, and then Takara will step up and hit a grand slam. That's protocol. LOL.
some final shots of MMC terraegis are out...
dam this thing looks amazing!

Very, very nice. As always for me though, holding out for the official figure. I suspect however that the official figure won't hold a candle to this one's alt mode, given the new aesthetic direction of the Masterpiece line. This one does a great job of capturing the appearance of the original toy's truck mode.
Very, very nice. As always for me though, holding out for the official figure. I suspect however that the official figure won't hold a candle to this one's alt mode, given the new aesthetic direction of the Masterpiece line. This one does a great job of capturing the appearance of the original toy's truck mode.

Do you do that out of brand loyalty or just because of IP infringement?

Personally, I love what TT is doing now. If it was up to me, I'd make everything cartoon accurate but I get how some might not like that.

I'm planning on getting FT's Skifire, and I'm currently collecting GIGA's Dinos. But as a brand lover (I love TF's and everything they represent to my childhood). I rarely do 3P, but when I do, they must wow the **** out of me, or they must be something TT does not even remotely care about doing themselves at the present time.

Make no mistake though, IF TT ends up making Skifire, or the Dinos, the 3P options will go. As simple as that.

Many people collect for different reasons and that's all ok as long as we keep it cool, I guess. Personally, TT can't be beaten at its own game and never will, but if some think differently, more power to them.
Do you do that out of brand loyalty or just because of IP infringement?
Honestly it's simply that Takara-Tomy's release schedule is a good fit for both my available shelf space and what I'm willing to invest financially in a collection. That, and I've found I appreciate the figures more when they average one new one every 2-3 months. There are some amazing 3rd party figure of characters I'd love to own, but limiting myself to just Takara-Tomy releases (& just Season One & '86 Movie characters) helps me keep the hobby in check :)