lol@$300 head sculpts
Hell, my joints are starting to give me problems and I'm 36!
Ah ok.. deteriorating joints and chipping paint are things that happen over time so the unboxing/reviews would not speak on them. Makes sense. I also had not seen any negative reviews on him. Hopefully my joints hold. Maybe I will go ahead and glue them in place now since I literally don’t want to ever repose him. Now if the paints starts chipping I will probably cry. [emoji22] Ok probably not cry but I will be very very disappointed and I will probably make a sad face. Lol
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Yeah I am a big fan of the art direction they are taking. Optimus Prime’s exaggerated frame is how my nostalgic mind ‘thinks’ I remember him looking... Strong, bulky and imposing. It just looks ‘right’ to me even though it’s actually wrong lol
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Damn TJ, your website layout is sick as hell, lots of great pics. Do you pretty much collect all things robo related?
Absolutely. Stuff like this captures the personality of the characters even moreso than the likeness.
Thank you on both accounts, man. Much appreciated and thank you for checking it out! And yes, I'm a collector of all things mecha haha, but I lean more towards Super Robots and diecast stuff.
The q.c. on this puts the official to freaking SHAME.