Finally had an opportunity to do a full photo shoot of these two figures; really remarkable toys! Some less-than-stellar material and color choices and the aforementioned quality-control issues with Optimus, but super-superb likenesses to the film models and outstanding articulation that really allows them to capture the essence of the on-screen characters.
Thanks, Popnfresh98! I don’t know if I just got “a good one” but my Takara-Tomy edition Prime all tabs in quite well in both robot mode and truck mode without any modifications; there’s definitely some tolerance issues with the mold and getting the top and bottom halves of the doors to align as well as they are in my photos is very much like setting a mouse trap, but it’s doable. And I think the chest is just a matter of doing things in the proper order.Awesome shots and poses! It's nice to see someone getting more creative given all the articulation. How does your prime tab in in truck mode and all? Also, unrelated question, are you the same spanbauer from the DM boards? I haven't been there in many years and don't even know if they're still up but I feel it's the same name and avatar. Anyhow awesome shots my friend, keep it up.
That looks like a Masterpiece scale shattered glass starscream....