So I've been working on expanding my Masterpiece & similar-style 3rd party figures. I've got all of the '84 main cast and about half of the '85 cast. I figured I'd go ahead with starting to purchase some of the Fans Toys Iron Dibots, which I'd held off on previously because of the price. I didn't intend to replace my Masterpiece Grimlock until my first Dibot Swoop (Soar) arrived yesterday. I went to place him on my shelf next to my MP Grimlock and realized that Soar (the smallest of the Dibots) was still much taller than Grimlock.
Yeah, now I'm going to have to add a Fans Toys Grinder to my list, dammit. Oh well...I will say that Fans Toys is quickly becoming one of my preferred manufacturers of third party figures. Really nice quality figures! It'll be my first instance where I have the original MP but am switching to a third party figure over it.