I just received in transformed make toys jazz also known as downbeat. I may not be remembering every single figure that I've transformed in the MP style line, but this seemed like the most odd, convoluted transformation of any figure I've done so far. I still don't think I have his legs right. And I was never a hundred percent satisfied with the way this Jazz looks. But he looks really damn good, and is the best-looking MP style jazz on the market. So at the very least, he'll be a stand-in until Takara or fanstoys decides to come around with one. An essential 1984 bot, and one of my favorite characters from the cartoon and original figures from the g1 line. For a long while one of my favorite figures in my collection was the alternators jazz. One thing that's really cool is that you can poses doors back similar to the way it was on the old figure, or fold them in as he was in the cartoon. He cost me a pretty penny, but I'm glad I have him.
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