Lucky SOB..I love my Takara MP-01 Prime but, wish i broke down to get the trailer awhile ago..Enjoy!...Best Prime ever made.

I agree Best Prime ever! I still can't Believe I got it

Lucky SOB..I love my Takara MP-01 Prime but, wish i broke down to get the trailer awhile ago..Enjoy!...Best Prime ever made.
i'm sorry but i can't see how anybody finds that to be a good figure. sure, the mold is good. but yet another good piece is ruined by a botched paintjob/grey plastic mess.
meh, don't collect the movie figures anyway, so i'm good.
What figure are you talking about Bagels? MP Skywarp?
i'm sorry but i can't see how anybody finds that to be a good figure. sure, the mold is good. but yet another good piece is ruined by a botched paintjob/grey plastic mess.
meh, don't collect the movie figures anyway, so i'm good.
Indeed. So disappointing. Hopefully we see a Takara release equivalent to their "Buster" Prime.Awesome mould, crappy paint. Usuall hasbro crap.
Hasbro have an uncanny knack of taking superbly designed molds and making them look like utter turds due to their lack of paint apps and bad choices of plastic color and Leader Class Grey........sorry Starscream is their latest example.
And before someone weighs in with the inevitable "well Starscream IS grey", I KNOW he is, but he's not the horrible shade that Hasbro insist on using for so many of their ROTF toys and the lack of detailing on the robot mode especially his head is nothing short of pathetic.
If they aren't going to bother to paint the things properly I don't know why they even bother sculpting the little details in as they just get lost in a sea of grey.
For once I'd actually be happy if Hasbro never released a certain TF in the UK as I'd never have to set my eyes on it if we got it in stock at's a f'ing eyesore and at £44.99 ( approx $90 ) an expensive one.
Crap like this is why I paid so much for the Takara version of MP Grimlock as I shudder to think what Hasbro will do to it.
Indeed. So disappointing. Hopefully we see a Takara release equivalent to their "Buster" Prime.
Buster prime is a massive let down too.
I will be buying LC Starscream regardless of the crap paint though. I shouldnt as it just encourages Hasbro, but i cantmiss out on an amazing mould just because of some lazy paint. Leader prime is one of ym all time fav toys, and his paint apps sucked too but the mould is one of the best ever. And like i said earlier if i want i can easily paint it myself.
In what way?Buster prime is a massive let down too.