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BOOYAH! Hopefully we'll get actual pics of this guy soon, cause he looks ACE!


YES!! Thsi was one of the things i was hoping for the most: A new Voyager Ironhide.
2011 is gonan be one amazing year for collecting.
Glad of the news on the new Bayformers for those that like them !!!

Finally got my animated Arcee and couldn't be happier ! :yess:


Just want to wish you and your families a fantastic Christmas (with lots of TF's under the tree)

All the best to you and yours.


Awesome, truly awesome Bob. Merry Christmas to you and yours. :duff That is THE best Animated shot of toys I have seen. But you need an Ironhide big bot! I just got my Takara Animated Rodimus in the mail last week, god the paint apps are so superior. Also I think the Takara Unicron is under my least I hope. :panic:
Agreed, that is an awesome collection of Autobots from Animated. Best of all, they are in scale! Good show.

Thanks mate, class is permiment and all that........ ;-) Good man!

Awesome, truly awesome Bob. Merry Christmas to you and yours. :duff That is THE best Animated shot of toys I have seen. But you need an Ironhide big bot! I just got my Takara Animated Rodimus in the mail last week, god the paint apps are so superior. Also I think the Takara Unicron is under my least I hope. :panic:

Merry X-mass to you. You are my Transformers twin :wave
(we really need to go for a beer sometime)!!!!
The other Animated Autobots and Dinobots are in different displays due to space restrictions. A thumbs up frrom you is always a plus though mate :)
Glad you got Tak Rodimus as he is fantstic! Hasbro's is great but the Tak version is even better. I'm getting the crystal version for X-mass and can't wait.

Unfortunately I have had to pass on Takara Unicron due to owning the original and "hot Toys" commitments, but would love to see pics!!

All the best matey

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If that Ironhide is a bigger Voyager or even a Leader Class then I may consider getting it although I don't like how he only has a BFG on one arm because he should have one each side.

The new gimmick seems to be transforming weaponry, so it's probably the same gimmick as the first movie Ironhide had; combining weaponry. But more accurate and with more moving parts. It's a crappy pic, but if you look closely you can see what could be his other cannon the back there.

Glad of the news on the new Bayformers for those that like them !!!

Finally got my animated Arcee and couldn't be happier ! :yess:


Just want to wish you and your families a fantastic Christmas (with lots of TF's under the tree)

All the best to you and yours.


Veeeeery nice man! :yess: I really need to hunt Rodimus down sometime, he looks like such a kickass figure.
That Animated shot is excellent, they look great together.

I finally found some new figures Wednesday. Opened Terradive first - great Transformer.

Damn, Terradive is freaking niiiiice. Really hope to find him here one day, supposedly he has been releeased in the Netherlands, but I haven't seen him yet.

And clear Ironhide pics! Though he's horribly mistransformed. The chest is a mess, and the legs look like he didn't bother unfolding anything. It does look pretty cool though, if a bit stylized. But I'm worried about the gimmick; that gun just looks terrible, and those holes on the vehicle mode are just obnoxious.



I have some new TF's coming which will be nice post-Christmas presents,

FansProject Protector & Sidearm ( Kapow Toys shipment is currently stuck in Cologne )

ROTF Bludgeon ( bought a loose one from a guy at TFW. I'll be getting the Headrobots upgrade set with the new head and non bendy swords when it's released in March. )

Universe 2.0 Hardhead ( I'll order the Headrobots upgrade set next time I have the cash so it can be a proper Headmaster )
Wow, the United figures look fantastic! That new Megatron repaint looks pretty cool, too.






More pics here:

EDIT: And damn, look at how sexy Tracks is!


To paraphrase a certain ex-wrestler that recently voiced a Transformer,

Hasbro can take their badly painted, badly distributed TF's, turn them sideways and stick them straight up their candy ***** :)

Takara have once again laid the smack down on the jabronis at Hasbro.
To paraphrase a certain ex-wrestler that recently voiced a Transformer,

Hasbro can take their badly painted, badly distributed TF's, turn them sideways and stick them straight up their candy ***** :)

Takara have once again laid the smack down on the jabronis at Hasbro.

There's one teeny tiny little problem with that:






Looks like they're repeating the same bull____ as with their TFA figures: Only give half of the figure a shiny paintjob.:slap At least with Optimus it's not that noticeable, but Soundwave is completely ruined by it. This is way more sloppy then Hasbro's paintschemes, IMO, simply because it's far more noticeable. Just look at how badly those colors clash...A real shame, because I was looking forward to Soundwave the most, but no way will I pay over 30 bucks for that.

At least Megatron came out nicely, really dig the colors they went with:

I see what you're saying, Soundwave still has too much grey plastic going on but as it's a toy I have no intrest in owning it's not an issue.

And whilst both look nicely painted the same applies to Prime & Megatron, I wouldn't spend £15 on the Hasbro versions so I certainly wouldn't spend £10 more than that on the Takara ones.

Tracks on the other hand will be bought, possibly twice so I can keep one in car mode. The paintjob on that is nicer than anything Hasbro have done in their Classics lines.
Yeah, the paintjob on Tracks is a LOT nicer. The metallic blue is awesome, and the G1 hood decal looks perfect. Hopefully it won't suffer the same fate as Soundwave though and be half metallic, half Hasbro blue.

EDIT: Haha, oh wow, TF3 leader class Bumblebee.


Well, at least this one looks a lot better then the Battle Ops figure. No hindered articulation, far more complex, no gimmicks save from that stupid thing on his back...
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