you make a good point... which makes me wonder about hollyweird.
Here is a novel approach, and thought process. What if different directors teamed up to do a film, each taking on the parts they do best. for example, image if Bay stopped being an " all out director" and started to work with other directors just on their action sequences? As in, He's JUST an action director.
I'll give him that much. He's very good at epic action.
It's an odd thought. I kinda agree aboutthe action missing in most of Abrams things, but then, it's kinda hard to make the type of fimls he makes, action heavy.
For me, Story trumps action . That's just for me, however.
Even then, Epic story, WITH epic action is best.
I wouldn't mind seeing Farveau's take on Transformers. He's not doing anything now, is he?
I CAN say, without a doubt, who i'd NOT want to see directing.
No George Lucas.
NO Christopher Nolan
No Tim Burton
He could step aside and be 2nd unit director, or stunt co-ordinator. That would work well i think, but he's too big these days to step aside and let someone else take all the glory.
As for action vs story thing: It depends on the movie/subject matter. Transformers has never been about just story, its about giant transforming robots who are at
war with each other, so there always has to be some bombastic action sequences or the film will just fall flat (note im purely talking about a fiolm here, not a 20-episode season of cartoons). That said there should still be room for a decent story, but again we need to remember what we are talking about here: Transforming robots based on kids toys.
No matter who directs what, we will never ever have Nolan-esque masterpieces like Inception with Transformers, or a Camaron-esque classic like Terminator 2.
Personally, forgetting about ROTF, i dont think theres anything wrong with the stories of the tf movies, especially this latest one.
Both TF1 and 3 all had decent stories, and the plots drove the action well and kept things interesting and exciting.
For a movie that has to make billions you cant get hung up with too many boring dialogue sequences, or Tarantino-like character development, otherwise the general target audience will not be entertained and the movies wont make any money and we'd end up with nothing, and the franchise would be relegated back to that silly 80's kids cartoon instead of the phenomenon it is today.
I agree about your choice of directors who should stay away, especially Lucas. As much as i love Nolan his style wouldnt work with the source material, and Tim Burton is a has-been. You also forgot Uwe Boll, and Paul W.S. Anderson.
I would like it if Bay was a producer on the next installments. Yes his Humor is dry at times. Yes he gets shots that arent really needed, making the film longer. Yes hes a D*** at times. But the man is easily one of the best directors in hollywood at the moment, His action is so EPIC, the way he made the ILM effects work for the transformers and movies are fantastic. I think he would be a powerful entity onboard the film, making shure it stays true but him not having complete control.
Mabey Farveau but until i see CowBoys and Aliens, im taking from what i see from IRON MAN 1 & 2 and even he can direct good action, but alot of scenes are fluff, slow parts, and i know every movie has them but what i envision for a new Transformers movie is cutting out all the bull$hi* with the human drama, the long periods with story plots, the movie doesnt even have to be a 200 million dollar tentpole. The Transformers should be the main characters, it shouldnt be to long, but of course be EPIC! The film should open on Cybertron, lets see the War, Lets see what happened, Get inside the minds of the Transformers and show us Character Development.
Abrams is getting his cake up in the film making world. Star Trek is his tour de force. But his movies are very influential meaning he takes alot of heavy known movie elemtns and plots and uses them to his advantage, idk if he could take the franchise to new heights.
They need a strong writer, perhaps a crew from the original series to serve as consultants. And whoever directs and helms the new films, they have to follow there vision.
You might want to take that back about having him on as producer. He has already produced a few movies...those were I am Number 4, and some horror movie, niether were good or succesful so...yeah that wouldnt be a good idea i think, unless a decent, famous director was attached to it.
Bay is a master of kinetic, high-octane action sequences, and he does know how to use CGI well without over-using it. Although the tf movies have tons of CG, theres also just as many practical/real effects shots in there too, like minatures or full size effects shots and stunts. Unlike say...a Star Wars prequel, where even most of the characters were CGI and every single "set" was just a CGI blue screen. Yuk.
I only mentioned Favreu because he's the only contemporary (and decent) director to have made something thats similar to Transformers.
The Iron Man movies needed to explain a lot, wheres now we have 3 TF movies if he made one thered be no need to explain who is who, we know the autobots are the good guys, the decepticons the bad guys, we all know who Optimus Prime is etc and they come from Cyberton.
He could use that to his advantage and set up some great sequences and have a decent plot to go with it, but it still wont be anything better or deeper than what we already have i reckon.
I also dont think a full movie with just cgi robots on the screen the whole time would work either. The general public wont want to see it, only the fans will and that wont bring in enough cash. The movie will simply bomb. You
need human characters, an anchor for the audience to relate to, even all the cartoons have human characters. A full blown cgi mini movie released on cartoon network or straight to dvd might work, but as a big name studio release it simply wouldnt work.
topic change.
Pick any two Existing Transformers stores. be they from the comics, novels, ANY Television series, and have them adapted for a Hollyweird movie.
They would need to be able to work AS a movie. what would you pick?
1) Last Stand of the Wreckers
2) Either IDW's Megatron Origin Series, or All Hail Megatron as a trilogy.
Ive only read All Hail Megatron and i think if i had to choose between it or any the G1 episodes id choose AHM.
It would work perfectly as a feature length movie, it has just the right amount of human drama in it, theres characters in there who could work as anchors, and then theres the epic threat to earth from the Decepticons and the dire situation the autobots find themselves in, only to come back and save the day at the end to give the audience a happy ending cos...ya know...
every mmovie has to have a happy ending these days.