Henkei Inferno is a great toy, as is Grapple but the Takara version of him is no where near as nice as the Takara version of Inferno is.
There is something satisfying about having all the emergency vehicles isnt there?
See, that i
never understood.
There was nothing in the least bit racial in my mind about those two.
I saw them as trying to imitate silly ghetto white boys who think they are black if anything.
The whole "they are racist thing" just always stank of making a mountain out of a mole hill situation to me, and just something else for the stupid anti-Bay crew to whine about or use as mis-guided ammunition for their flame wars.
People like to find racism where there is none a lot of the time as well...stupid is as stupid does as Forrest Gump once said.
Not directing that towards you or anyone else here by the way, just speaking in general terms how i feel about that particular kettle o' fish.