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Yeah, that was some interesting news. I think it's more than just a rumour, though.


So unless it's a mistake, a hoax, or some god-awful movie toy being passed off as a "masterpiece" or something, I'd say we can expect to see this sucker soon.

I just HOPE it's not the old MP-3 version.

Oooh interesting.

Hope they do him like Starscream & release him in cartoon accurate colours.

If it's the original mold it would make more sense as that way Hasbro's MP Seekers would all match up.

So it'll be MP11 :lol

I don't know if it'll make sense from a business perspective. Maybe, if the old mold is cheaper to use somehow, but why wouldn't they want to give customers the newer version?

I hope Thundercracker is the MP-11 mold.

Me too. Otherwise, I will probably pass.

Oooh interesting.

Hope they do him like Starscream & release him in cartoon accurate colours.


Meh. That worked for Starscream, but I prefer the richer, more metallic blue of the original Thundercracker toy, myself.

I don't really care for being slavishly accurate to the cartoon when it's a case of the limitations of the media itself, i.e. limited colour palette.
Meh. That worked for Starscream, but I prefer the richer, more metallic blue of the original Thundercracker toy, myself.

I don't really care for being slavishly accurate to the cartoon when it's a case of the limitations of the media itself, i.e. limited colour palette.

Yeah I suppose but I already have the Takara version so would like one that's a bit more cartoony & would fit better with the Walmart Starscream & the Takara Skywarp.

Worst case is if they don't I'll just finally grab the iGear version & that will be good enough.

I prefer the size, too. My point was that these new cars look to be about Alternator size and probably of comparable complexity. Of course, Alternators would probably cost more at retail today but it wasn't that long ago they could be had for $20. I'm not really complaining, just find it unfortunate. As I said before, it all comes down to personal value.

And I guess I shouldn't be that surprised. MP Rodimus was $60 - $70 at US retail and that's basically an Alternator, too. I never really compared the Seekers or Grimlock because they aren't cars.

Yea Alternators were sweet. I only bought the Alts that I couldn't get in Binal Tech as I preferred Binal Tech to anything, and those ran around 50 bucks. I have 2 Alts now and one binal Tech. I sold my grimlock when the MP came out but hung on to my Wheeljack.

Also, looking at the drawing, is sideswipe supposed to come up to the under chest area of the NEW MP Prime? not the old one? If that's true and this is only going to be like 6 inches tall, I will most likely not get this, idc if the cars are to scale having a MP that small doesn't cut it and it seems like a cop out to make a smaller figure due to cost. They better not do that with soundwave, if soundwave is half the size of grimlock and prime that'll be a joke.
Yeah I suppose but I already have the Takara version so would like one that's a bit more cartoony & would fit better with the Walmart Starscream & the Takara Skywarp.

Worst case is if they don't I'll just finally grab the iGear version & that will be good enough.


One of the reasons I got the iGear Seekers was because they all match up,

The Coneheads aren't bad either,

I did also briefly have Sunstorm but I resold it as the other 2 Rainmakers seem to have been canned and I like to display things in groups.

Whilst changing my displays around I noticed my Decepticon lineup is still somewhat lacking due to the lack of decent versions of,

( I'm not optimistic on this as the character has had the most consistently crap toys since G1. )

Soundwave & minions
( My money's on Fans Toys. )

( Fans Toys want to make him but it depends on how well their Soundwave and Blaster do. )
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Lush setup there Corsair.
Love the display

I wish I could afford the coneheads...I still covert them & one day maybe I'll have them

I'm very very tempted to pick up iGears seekers & then I can keep my Takara MP versions all boxed up & display the iGear versions.

Not long till the full reveal of MP Soundwave...Tokyo show happens the weekend of my birthday, could be the perfect gift seeing him in Prototype form :)

Lush setup there Corsair.
Love the display

I wish I could afford the coneheads...I still covert them & one day maybe I'll have them

I'm very very tempted to pick up iGears seekers & then I can keep my Takara MP versions all boxed up & display the iGear versions.

Not long till the full reveal of MP Soundwave...Tokyo show happens the weekend of my birthday, could be the perfect gift seeing him in Prototype form :)


Thanks! :)

I originally intended on displaying the MP Seekers/Coneheads on one of my Detolf shelves but the Coneheads don't really fit properly on a single shelf because of the leg kibble and my decision to get back into Hot Toys figures has also meant I've cleared out almost all of my TF's from my 3 Detolfs as I prefer to keep the HT stuff behind glass for obvious reasons.

After many delays it looks like iGear's Ironhide & Ratchet are getting closer to being released.

Here's a video of a test shot of Ironhide which shows it's scale in comparison to the newest MP molds,

The packaging also looks pretty good,

If the delays have ensured no QC issues and the final paint apps are as good as shown on the packaging then there's no question that these will be two of the best toys of G1 characters ever made.
two of the best toys of G1 characters ever made? I don't think so,The MP Sideswipe already blows both of them away

Sorry,but Iron Hide/Ratchet were the Dumbest G1 figures back in the day,Sure they are nice looking now thanks to IGear,but best G1 characters? not even close.....I'll wait for the inevitable real Takara masterpieces of Iron Hide/Ratchet which its very likely Takara is moving into doing most of the Cars
two of the best toys of G1 characters ever made? I don't think so,The MP Sideswipe already blows both of them away

Sorry,but Iron Hide/Ratchet were the Dumbest G1 figures back in the day,Sure they are nice looking now thanks to IGear,but best G1 characters? not even close.....I'll wait for the inevitable real Takara masterpieces of Iron Hide/Ratchet which its very likely Takara is moving into doing most of the Cars


I'm not saying they're the best CHARACTERS in the G1 roster, but they're by far the nicest TOYS so far....they're what the Classics line should have looked like had Has/Tak not felt they had to reinvent everything.

MP Sideswipe looks nice as a CGI model but I'll wait until proper prototype pics emerge before making a real judgement on it.

I think that the sudden expectation in the fandom that Has/Tak are definitely going to do a lot more Autobot cars is unrealistic as one MP Lamborghini mold is no guarantee of anything else whatsoever.

Thinking otherwise at this stage is likely to lead to a lot of disappointment.

Licensing issues could still derail things and there's also the fact that Has/Tak's development budget will soon be devoted to making more Deluxe Bumblebees for TF4 so more new MP molds will be forgotten about until the 4 newest ones have been milked for all their worth.

In any case Has/Tak have already proved that they aren't capable of making the best versions of several of their own characters so even if they made Ironhide/Ratchet the chances are it'd suck just as much as all their previous toys of those characters did.
two of the best toys of G1 characters ever made? I don't think so,The MP Sideswipe already blows both of them away

Dude, there isn't even an MP Sideswipe yet. We haven't even seen a prototype, just a CGI model.

Sorry,but Iron Hide/Ratchet were the Dumbest G1 figures back in the day,Sure they are nice looking now thanks to IGear,but best G1 characters? not even close.....

What, compared to Sideswipe and Red Alert?

I'll assume here, that you actually meant what you said, when you wrote "characters" and not figures. Neither of those guys got near the amount of screen time as Ironhide and Ratchet in the old Sunbow cartoon. As a result, neither Sideswipe or Red Alert were nearly interesting as characters. Heck, I had completely forgotten Red Alert had existed until I saw the TRU reissue so many years ago.

I'll wait for the inevitable real Takara masterpieces of Iron Hide/Ratchet which its very likely Takara is moving into doing most of the Cars

Nothing's inevitable when it comes to Transformers. What makes you think it's "very likely" they'll do most of the cars? We've only seen ONE.

They haven't even done the Conehead Seekers, when that would be an easy remold. We've never seen a proper Ultra Magnus, even though the cab is done and paid for.

I know you're excited about MP Sideswipe and all, but looking at Takara and Hasbro's history with the Masterpiece line, I wouldn't get your hopes up. There's certainly nothing to indicate what you're saying is likely, let alone inevitable.
Dude, there isn't even an MP Sideswipe yet. We haven't even seen a prototype, just a CGI model.

Yes there is, one is coming in December with pre-orders for it almost everywhere that sells transformers,with prototype pics shown and expected to be shown at another bot con

What, compared to Sideswipe and Red Alert?

I'll assume here, that you actually meant what you said, when you wrote "characters" and not figures. Neither of those guys got near the amount of screen time as Ironhide and Ratchet in the old Sunbow cartoon. As a result, neither Sideswipe or Red Alert were nearly interesting as characters. Heck, I had completely forgotten Red Alert had existed until I saw the TRU reissue so many years ago.

I said the G1 Figures which flat out sucked and looked nothing like the characters other than in Car mode...besides point,The G1 Sideswipe Sold much better than Iron Hide/Ratchet regardless of screen time because of better bot mode and sleeker car....even the re-issues are rotting away because nobody really wants those because of design.
My memories were those 2 (IH and Ratchet) were they were shelf warmers! and Sideswipe was a BEST seller! (as all the sleeker,coooler bots were)

Nothing's inevitable when it comes to Transformers. What makes you think it's "very likely" they'll do most of the cars? We've only seen ONE.

They haven't even done the Conehead Seekers, when that would be an easy remold. We've never seen a proper Ultra Magnus, even though the cab is done and paid for.

I know you're excited about MP Sideswipe and all, but looking at Takara and Hasbro's history with the Masterpiece line, I wouldn't get your hopes up. There's certainly nothing to indicate what you're saying is likely, let alone inevitable.

Why do you always think negative about the possibility of getting more Masterpieces? yes,it will take time,but Takara announcing Sideswipe,Red Alert,and the very most wanted Soundwave, is a great start,plus the intention from reading that interview that more cool things are coming (yes,likely more Autobot Cars)...
Yes there is, one is coming in December with pre-orders for it almost everywhere that sells transformers,with prototype pics shown and expected to be shown at another bot con

No kidding. I know there are preorders up, but are you sure that's a proto? Why hasn't it been posed with other figures yet?

We haven't seen anything near a finished product yet, and you're already saying MP Sideswipe "already blows them away"... What in the world makes you so sure? We haven't seen articulation, we haven't seen the colours (remember MP-03), we don't know if there are any quality control issues (remember MP-09)... You're jumping to conclusions, again.

I said the G1 Figures which flat out sucked and looked nothing like the characters other than in Car mode...besides point,The G1 Sideswipe Sold much better than Iron Hide/Ratchet regardless of screen time because of better bot mode and sleeker car....even the re-issues are rotting away because nobody really wants those because of design.
My memories were those 2 (IH and Ratchet) were they were shelf warmers! and Sideswipe was a BEST seller! (as all the sleeker,coooler bots were)

So, what? They're still better characters. ;)

Why do you always think negative about the possibility of getting more Masterpieces?

I don't.

The difference is that I'm being *cautiously optimistic*, not jumping to conclusions. I just don't want to get my hopes up. You're talking about a line of '84/'85 Autobot Masterpieces as if it's a done deal, but there's nothing at all saying such a thing is "very likely" or even likely to occur. It's possible, sure, but not likely. Not based on one single CGI model and a preorder.

yes,it will take time,but Takara announcing Sideswipe,Red Alert,and the very most wanted Soundwave, is a great start,plus the intention from reading that interview that more cool things are coming (yes,likely more Autobot Cars)...[/B]

Which is the same with every Transformers line... That's why you shouldn't get your hopes up.

Luckily, it doesn't really matter because the third parties will step up to the plate, as they always will, but I wouldn't put your faith in Hasbro/Takara and assume things will go the way you want them to, because you're bound to be disappointed that way. There are missing pieces in EVERY Transformers line out there - and given the extremely limited nature of the Masterpiece line especially, there are bound to be missing ones there, too.

I think we'll be lucky to see Prowl and Bluestreak. Maybe Sunstreaker too. They're popular characters, and we know that Takara probably won't have any issues working with Nissan (Lamborghini's a given at this point, but I think Sunstreaker's somewhat less likely since there's not an obvious repaint they can use... Diaclone, even Dead End (like the Alt) maybe, but nothing for mass market release).

It's really hard to speculate past that. Certainly figures like Jazz, Smokescreen, Mirage, or Wheeljack would sell well, but they were all based on actual racing cars, so not only do you have to get permission from the car companies, but things like sponsor logos and racing team permissions might be an issue as well. Are figures like Inferno/Grapple and Trailbreaker/Hoist popular enough to warrant an MP release? Who knows...

All I'm really saying is that you might as well get behind the idea of buying from third parties if you want a full cast by the end of all this. In my opinion, iGear is already complementing the MP line quite well, and I hope they continue to do so in the future. :)
So you are saying this prototype of Sideswipe Isn't Real?? come on!

Sure,some of the 3rd party stuff isn't bad...The Recent TFC Hercules is a prime example of awesome and I am looking forward to their next G1 combiner Uranus/Superion/Arialbots

The Igear stuff Isn't bad either,but its a matter of opinion of what characters are better..

As far as bot choice and Car- Every person I knew,wanted Sideswipe over Ratchet/Iron Hide

Sleeker Cars are more eye candy and always will be ;)
Ironhide & Hound were my favorites in the old cartoon actualy.
Same here. Sideswipe and Red Alert didn't have the opportunity do develop personalities like those guys did.

Man, Hong Kong Youtube makes you sit through two long ass commercials before seeing the video! :lol

I agree that they look kind of cheap. Sort of on the order of official Classics figures, just better designed than 90%+ of the Classics figures out there. Not sure I would expect much more from iGear, though. Having said that, those aren't production pieces I don't think. The head is all red.