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It is! Looks like FP is doing most of the Headmasters. Nightbeat and Hardhead are missing, but they may be coming later. Really like how these look, though it's surprising that they're going for full G1 accuracy with these. Goes against their usual MO.
It is! Looks like FP is doing most of the Headmasters. Nightbeat and Hardhead are missing, but they may be coming later. Really like how these look, though it's surprising that they're going for full G1 accuracy with these. Goes against their usual MO.

I don't remember many of the G1 Headmaster toys as Chromedome was the only one I had so it'd be nice to get a new one :)

I'd also quite like Nightbeat as his detective character was decent in the IDW stories I've read.
Nightbeat was good in that, though he was particurarly great in the Marvel G1 stories. On that note, if they do release one, I hope he comes with his fedora and trenchcoat. :lol

Nightbeat was good in that, though he was particurarly great in the Marvel G1 stories. On that note, if they do release one, I hope he comes with his fedora and trenchcoat. :lol


That'd be awesome! :lol

Whilst browsing some of the pics I noticed that iGear's Impactor has now reached the grey prototype stage so if Ironhide & Ratchet are any indication we'll see it shortly before the next Olympics :lol
Wow, the colour difference (see link below) between the Takara MP-10 Optimus the Hasbro version is a lot greater in these pics than I expected!!

I actually prefer the Takara one with the darker blue, grey roller, and painted trailer interior. I paid about $200 for my Takara, but at least I'm happy I think it is the superior version. I would've been gutted if the Hasbro was better for about half the price!!!

Strange that people are saying the Hasbro version is more cartoon accurate. The cartoon has a grey roller, the blue on Optimus is darker, he doesnt have yellow highlights on top of his cabin. The only improvment that I see Hasbro made is make the eyes a brighter blue.....
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Chockey have you seen this custom painted MP10? Id like to have this guy do all my MP's to this caliber. Makes Has/taks look like toys!

More pictures Here -->

Wow, wow, wow, and did I say WOW?!?!?!

How do you do a custom paintjob like that??? I mean, how do you get into all the different joints and surfaces??? Surely you'd have to take the whole damn thing apart?!?!?!

Frickin awesome custom paintjob!!!:bow

EDIT: Just read the linked article - he did TAKE IT APART!!!! Brave man, but what an awesome job!!!!

EDIT2: Oh My God!!! Did you see what he did to the trailer interior?!?! That is beyond awesome!!!!
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HAha yes! This is probably the best custom painjob ive seen. Im just in awe. That thing looks like a real semi in some of those pics. Now when I look at Hastaks paintjobs and am a little sad. Oh what you could have I wonder if he does customs for others, Id pay some decent coin for that baby.
HAha yes! This is probably the best custom painjob ive seen. Im just in awe. That thing looks like a real semi in some of those pics. Now when I look at Hastaks paintjobs and am a little sad. Oh what you could have I wonder if he does customs for others, Id pay some decent coin for that baby.

He definitely made MP-10 a true masterpiece!!

I'm just imagining what this guy could do with the upcoming MP Soundwave and cassette figures......he would make them look soooo amazingly detailed!!!
Wow, the colour difference (see link below) between the Takara MP-10 Optimus the Hasbro version is a lot greater in these pics than I expected!!

I actually prefer the Takara one with the darker blue, grey roller, and painted trailer interior. I paid about $200 for my Takara, but at least I'm happy I think it is the superior version. I would've been gutted if the Hasbro was better for about half the price!!!

Strange that people are saying the Hasbro version is more cartoon accurate. The cartoon has a grey roller, the blue on Optimus is darker, he doesnt have yellow highlights on top of his cabin. The only improvment that I see Hasbro made is make the eyes a brighter blue.....

Well, it does kind of look more "cartoony" in general...
My guess would be MP15 or MP17. They seem to be alternating between autobot and decepticons since MP10. Id like to see him as the next reveal as I need a new/excellent G1 representation of Megs. Hedgemon is nice but undersized for an MP so Im waiting it out.
I have a feeling the next Takara MP(15)will be Thundercracker. I just dont see why the US would get him but Japan wouldnt. Dunno. A MP Bee would bee an excellent addition to the line,we need him!. Id have to pick up a couple.
I have a feeling the next Takara MP(15)will be Thundercracker. I just dont see why the US would get him but Japan wouldnt. Dunno. A MP Bee would bee an excellent addition to the line,we need him!. Id have to pick up a couple.

If they did a Bumblebee in the current scale, it'd be pretty small. The MP Sideswipe looks pretty small as it is! Lucky the price is cheaper too for around $80-$90 I hear. So I would assume an MP Bumblebee would be cheaper than that. Wonder if they could get the VW license? Why not if they could get the Lambo license!
I would definitely like to see new mp-Megatron. That old one kind of sucks. There are some good sides, but for me its just rather disapointing figure. He looks frail and flimsy, and he actually is really frail what comes to the transformation. Maybe they should just drop the idea of making him transform into a walther p38.
If they did a Bumblebee in the current scale, it'd be pretty small. The MP Sideswipe looks pretty small as it is! Lucky the price is cheaper too for around $80-$90 I hear. So I would assume an MP Bumblebee would be cheaper than that. Wonder if they could get the VW license? Why not if they could get the Lambo license!

Lamborghini are owned by VW so it would seem the chances of a MP Bumblebee may have improved.

But it may be that VW are OK with Lamborghini being used for "war toys" because unlike VW and Porsche there's no association with that brand and a certain political group from 1930's Germany.

If they're still touchy about that then there'll be no Bumblebee ( VW Beetle ), Cliffjumper ( Porsche 924 ) or Jazz ( Porsche 935 ).

iGear's PP04 may be the nearest thing we get to Bumblebee and Cliffjumper in MP form....and aside from the accessories & headsculpts they're not looking that great.
ROTF Bludgeon gets a further upgrade courtesy of the excellent additions from MaidenJapan,


Everything fits into place extremely well and although not an exact match with the orange plastic on the stock toy it complements it well enough and lessens the Bayformers aesthetic so I'm pleased enough.

I just played the FOC demo and switched it off after roughly 5 minutes.

I don't mind the gameplay but the levels all look the bloody same just like the first game and if that wasn't bad enough Bumblebee has now lost his voice to keep him in line with Bayformers :slap
Holy ____, seriously? This is just getting ridiculous. What the hell is going on over there?

EDIT: That Sixshot looks awesome. I am not sure I'll get it though. MMC know how to make good looking bots, but they really need to work on the engineering and sturdiness of their figures. I am scared to think of how bad their Sixshot might turn out.

EDIT 2: Third party panel at TFCon is underway. Lots of goodies already. MMC Predaking, Headrobots Trailbreaker, iGear Cliffjumper prototype, BTS Overlord, and more: Glad that someone is tackling Overlord, but I will be waiting for FP to try him. BTS aren't exactly good, and 21 inches is WAY too big for him. 12-15 range is better. The engineering on Cliffjumper looks good, but his arms are waaay to spindly and when the hell are they going to get this one out?

Been away from the thread for a little while & just had a look at the TFcon stuff & OMG I need some more money there is SO much awesome shizzle coming up.

Topspin / Twintwist / Headmasters / Predaking :thud::thud::thud:

I have no idea how I'll afford them...anyone need a Hot Toys Iron Man MkIV??? :pray::lol:lol
