New MP Rodimus
Guys, I'm sooo conflicted. I need a Galvatron and this one looks great, but what if Takara comes out with one? I really don't know what to do.
Yeah, looks like HR this time.
And if you ask any MP09 owner, yes, Hot Rod is needed. It's "transformation" was clearly an afterthought and it sucks. He's to tall in HR mode, shouldn't he be around Ironhide's size?
Actually MP09 was designed as Hot Rod first, the decision to add the Rodimus mode was taken when the figure was already well into development.
The team tried several ways to accomplish this including having the trailer becoming armor but decided against that because it didn't work adequately and after trying a couple other things they ended up with what was released.
Whilst MP09 was being finalised Shogo Hasui started on MP10 and based the height of it on MP09 in Rodimus mode so the scale reboot seems to have sprung from that decison.
( This info comes from a Japanese book about the line which has comments from all the designers. I don't own it, but I'd like to read more of it if there's some translations out there. )
That's great (and unheard to me) info, thanks.
Makes a lot of sense too, as the "Hot Rod" mode was somewhat scaled to MP01 and 05.
I wonder if this release will take some notes from Carry (3P Rodimus). I love how they implemented the trailer into a backpack, that's huge. And even though Carry looks great, he's just not MP caliber at least to me, so this news has me really excited.
Will this just be HR? Or the same thing as MP 09?(I would HAVE to sell my V2 MP09 sooner rather than later of that's the case). I really hope they take their time and release something that's actually sturdy enough to transform without the fear of breaking it just by moving a freaking leg. MP09 was quite ambitious to begin with, and the end result shows it.
And yes, like you said, the possibilities of an official Galvatron are now higher. Will hold on buying the 3P options for now.
Rumor has it that Takara Shockwave is the next large size MP to be revealed and by the end of the year. Guess we'll see...
Rumor has it that Takara Shockwave is the next large size MP to be revealed and by the end of the year. Guess we'll see...
likely true as Fan Toys delayed all of their remaining scheduled 2015 products (after Bombshell is released) to rush out there re-issue Shockwaves...they know what's up
likely true as Fan Toys delayed all of their remaining scheduled 2015 products (after Bombshell is released) to rush out there re-issue Shockwaves...they know what's up