To me what makes the change work is the way events occur, not the exclusion of the dialogue. Sure the chatter might be a little corny or whatever, but the big flaw in all the love scenes is the way they were cut or set up.
The one posted in here, for example, if that whole conversation from the LFL cut had played out as they're walking along, it might have worked, it just looks forced when people arrive at a place and then have this conversation and pause to just stare off a balcony and not talk to each other. That scene would work better if all the dialogue comes during the walk to the railing, the silence and awkward kiss happens, and then Padme walks away into the home leaving Anakin behind staring at her as she walks away.
I think the dialogue is fine in the fireplace scene, but the cut is horrible. They cut to there and the two are sitting there uncomfortable and Anakin just starts his dialogue, it makes you wonder like, what was going on before that, how is it you're sitting around in this room and just jump into this conversation the way it starts. Again, had maybe Padme been in there alone, and some extra dialogue or just Anakin coming into the room sitting next to her and having a strong lead into his dialogue it could work much better.