Almost ten years of episode 1 !!!!

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after 10 years and I still dont have anything nice to say about ep1. :eek:

I know that Lucas didn't give us what we all were expecting, or wanted for Episode 1. But, I thought that one guy did.....John Williams. I think the soundtrack on this movie was great. Some of the best from the whole series.. Sure, a lot of it was subtle re-hashes of the existing themes, but, like some have already said, at least John Williams was subtle when he had to be. And knew when to let loose! George Lucas could have learned a thing or two from him!
I know that Lucas didn't give us what we all were expecting, or wanted for Episode 1. But, I thought that one guy did.....John Williams. I think the soundtrack on this movie was great. Some of the best from the whole series.. Sure, a lot of it was subtle re-hashes of the existing themes, but, like some have already said, at least John Williams was subtle when he had to be. And knew when to let loose! George Lucas could have learned a thing or two from him!


Preach on brotha...Williams did not disappoint with his scores for the prequels...That man is and will always be a genius.
Duel of the Fates was an incredible piece of music. I remember hearing it in the trailers and getting chills.

Preach on brotha...Williams did not disappoint with his scores for the prequels...That man is and will always be a genius.

The only part of the PT that I enjoyed - or left a lasting impression anyway. :lecture
I wasn't being condescending, I was merely trying to point out what is so glaringly obvious to me.
And no I haven't seen The Thirteenth Floor.
Sorry I even bothered to try and point out anything to you guys.
Rather touchy over here.
All right, I don't want to seem unwelcoming to a new member. But saying what you did in the way you did AND using "let me google that for you" (which in my experience is used when you think someone is being a *******) does come off as a tad condescending. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but there are other ways of making the same point.

As for the Thirteenth Floor and the Matrix, one of these movies is about a guy who discovers that he is actually living in a giant computer simulation of the real world. And the other one is the Matrix. ;)
I was just being helpful.

Even though this is all in Spanish, have a look at the photo comparisons:

Appreciate the link, but my firewall stopped 4 pop-ups from the above site. Tread cautiously.

I see the similarities, and it's also known that the Matrix production crew used old sets left over from after Dark City finished shooting.

the shots in the comparison pics might look aesthetically similar, but thematically they're disparate and only tangentially related. Both films borrow so heavily from classic and modern sci-fi/fantasy properties that neither can be really considered original. Both are good, isn't that what matters?
There are certainly similarities, but they tend to be more on the esthetic/visual side. And a lot of those pictures on the web site don't look anything like each other, or are very common elements in movies. Story-wise, I don't find the two films all that similar. The Thirteenth Floor is a lot closer in that sense.

In the end it seems like a lot of these comparisons are trying to prove that the Matrix was a ripoff, which I don't really buy. Both of the films are very good, and have more than enough original elements. Hollywood's idea of creativity is putting out two asteroid disaster movies, talking ant CGI movies, or mall cop comedies within a few months of each other, and in that sense both films are more than original enough.
Dark City was one of the most boring movies I have ever seen, and the Matrix was tarnished by it's craptacular sequels.
I love TPM, and I still watch it every year. Plus, if we are talking prequels vs original trilogy, then I just want to say that Revenge of the Sith is slightly better than Return of the Jedi, and I have been a devout Star Wars fan since I first saw it in the 70's, so I'm not some noob casual fan.
Actually, story wise, the first Matrix rips off The Invisibles vol 1.

And, aside from the final saber duel, TPM is complete garbage.
Just because it's been 10 years, doesn't mean I should start to feel teary-eyed and nostalgic about it. It's still my favorite of the three, but it's still less rewatchable than LOTR, Harry Potter, TF, and most other popular movies from this decade.
It actually ages better than AOTC & ROTS. That may be because it's a more honest movie and was also shot on more actual sets and locations.