Anton Phibes
Super Freak
Well on the very last page of AMSM 545 Stan Lee gives props to JMS for his eight year run on Spider-man. He doesn't specifically comment on the OMD story line, but he does say that JMS has tripled Spidey sales and made a lot of innovative changes that have brought new readers to the comic. I'm paraphrasing of course, but he does congratulate JMS on his entire run. I'm not sure that it counts as approval for this specific story, but it does seem that he approves of JMS' work as a whole.
IF Stan actually read any of those issues I would be amazed. Its more likely Joey Q. approached him with a nice fat check and said, "Now will you read these trade paperbacks and write a glowing review for the author?" To which Stan said "Excelsior!" and had his secretary do it for him.