American Idol

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Blue Flame of the West/Mod
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Sunny California, USA
I'm not sure whether or not some of you guys actually enjoy American Idol, but there is a website called that is trying to sabotage the show--or at least make it more amusing to watch--by purposely voting for the worst possible singer. They want to make a mockery of the whole thing by getting the public to support the person with the least talent. I think it's a hilarious idea. They are currently campaigning for Sanjaya Malakar, who shocked the judges by making it into the final twelve. My wife loves the show and I have seen this guy sing twice and he stinks!! He has no talent and a bland voice and his performances are flat and lifeless with no energy whatsoever. I agree that he is the worst on the show, and so he has my vote. (Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Simon apparently promised that if Sanjaya wins, he will quit the show.)

I encourage all of you to do your iconoclastic duty and vote for Sanjaya.
the only thing I like about american idol is seeing more new antonella whatshername pictures. the rest i could care less :lol
While I think AI is utter rubbish and a complete waste of time and energy I am against messing with the voting. There are people who do like this sort of thing and they are entitled to play in their own sandbox without us kicking dirt in their faces or attempting to take away their favorite toys. Different strokes for different folks.
I gotta say those who made that site are kinda sad.
I do sometimes watch it.I like Antoneller or what ever her name was.
AI = :yuck

I guess 10 million teenaged girls watch it. God that show sucks.
I was actually pulling for Sundance ... :eek: , the fact that Sanjaya even has a chance speaks to the utter foolishness of this show.

I can't say I would be very amused if I were one of the singer's voted off the show, not because I wasn't good enough, but because some loser without a life is trying to make a point. Pretty sad when some people's idea of fun include's destroying the hopes and dreams of other's.....:mad:
I watch the auditions cause they're funny. Antonella's a skank though.

And if you have a love hate relationship with AI - then you'll want to check out the new DVD - American Idol Unauthorized - available NOW!
woodsy said:
I can't say I would be very amused if I were one of the singer's voted off the show, not because I wasn't good enough, but because some loser without a life is trying to make a point. Pretty sad when some people's idea of fun include's destroying the hopes and dreams of other's.....:mad:

A valid point, however, I stand behind crushing this show 100% because I think it's American obession with shows like this that lead to terrorist groups wanting to blow us up, you've got third world nations with children starving and eating rats and God knows what to survive, and then they see us over hear wondering who's the next Idol and what'd Britney do this week and if I were them I'd want to give us a big "**** You!" too, it's so sad to turn on news and see celebrity gossip marketed as a headline story, this country is ****ed and there's no turning back...
How about Sideshow Collectibles Idle? I'll sing if it'll win me a Cave Troll! :rock :eek: Chicky are you listening? :monkey5
Fritz, you're making me consider starting a thread to see what collectible and how far people would go to get it lol...
from MaulFan
I think it's American obession with shows like this that lead to terrorist groups wanting to blow us up

Perhaps we could all be enlightened with evidence that the so called terrorist groups who want to destroy Western culture hate us because of American Idol? Such a charge is a bit over the top and a very weak excuse for attempting to throw a monkey wrench into the AI voting process. And yes, the entire voting for AI is stupid beyond belief and deserves to be joked about, even mocked, but not interferred with.

I get right in line with MaulFan and those of you who despise AI as a TV show. Its pure garbage. But every culture has garbage floating among the flotsam and jetsam of its popular entertainment and AI is just part of ours.
gideon said:
Perhaps we could all be enlightened with evidence that the so called terrorist groups who want to destroy Western culture hate us because of American Idol? Such a charge is a bit over the top and a very weak excuse for attempting to throw a monkey wrench into the AI voting process. And yes, the entire voting for AI is stupid beyond belief and deserves to be joked about, even mocked, but not interferred with.

Agreed. That is quite a charge coming from someone who posts on a board dedicated to action figures (or at least the larger percentage of their contributions made); I don't think that this is the epitome of sophistication. After having many friends make such a sacrifice for their country and their freedom - I am offended at such a simplistic rationale.
LOTRFan said:
Agreed. That is quite a charge coming from someone who posts on a board dedicated to action figures (or at least the larger percentage of their contributions made); I don't think that this is the epitome of sophistication. After having many friends make such a sacrifice for their country and their freedom - I am offended at such a simplistic rationale.
Word. I fully agree. I mean, think about where you are posting this Maulfan. Toys and trinkets are even more trivial than American Idol. Sorry to be rude but, what you said is a rash over-simplification of a much larger and complex situation.
LOTRFan said:
Agreed. That is quite a charge coming from someone who posts on a board dedicated to action figures (or at least the larger percentage of their contributions made); I don't think that this is the epitome of sophistication. After having many friends make such a sacrifice for their country and their freedom - I am offended at such a simplistic rationale.

I'm not trying to belittle the efforts of the U.S. troops or say that the terrorists act on what I said, and I'm aware that collecting figures isn't something of great worldy importance, but it's also not headline news, we have our forums and things, but you don't turn on the 11 o'clock news and see Star Wars collecting as a headline story, but the latest winner of AI and Britney Spears' latest bender and things like that have become national headlines and I think the fact that this country has gotten that way projects a strong image of ignorance to less fortunate nations around the world and just shows the dark path this country is heading down...
I don't think any Middle Eastern country or "terrorist states" as they are called nowadays, give a damn about American Idol. They've got much more serious matter to deal with like how to survive until tomorrow. That's probably just another out-of-the-@$$ analysis of our lovely neo-cons at FOX news!:)
I don't know, Sanjaya makes me want to strap a bomb to myself and blow something up.......