An open letter to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg...

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That being said, I AM looking forward to the film itself. I just can't help myself, Indy rocks and I do love Mr. TheBeef :eek:
Just because something new exists doesn't change what's already out there. Just get over it already. Some of us want to see what they can come up with.

I do agree that that title is tres lame though.
I'll take Young Cindy and the Mystery of the Blues over Kingdom of the Crystal JuJu Bees anyday.
Dear George Lucas,

Don't listen to Dave. He usually doesn't know what he is talking about and someone forgot to give him his medicine. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you and wish to thank you for coming up with perfect titles for your totally awecore movies.



The title sounds like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. I just hope that if the movie sucks I can turn to page 82 and get a better one. But, probably not.
Why is it so many people assume George Lucas is just in it for the money ? He's had more money than God since the late 70's/early 80's and could easily have capitalised on the popularity of Star Wars in the 80's/90's by churning out lame movies and /or T.V series ( don't mention the Ewok movies!), but instead he used his resources on developing new technologies and championing other film-makers companies and productions . Is it because he's made a fortune from merchandise? People hold up Peter Jackson and the L.O.T.R films as the pinnacle of "artistic integrity", but look at all the ( very expensive) tat that bears that trademark! O.k , the Prequels may not be to everyones taste , but bear in mind he could have taken the easy way out and made them according to what people "wanted" .( Dark..ooh,...mature? Face it, , these films are aimed at 8 year olds. Fact .)Anyway , I digress , (cough) Lucas and Spielberg are making a new Indiana Jones film . Deal with it . Don't like it? Don't go see it .:rolleyes:
Man, can't wait to get the Drew Struzan poster whenever it's released. I'll give you this haters: if for some ungodly reason Drew Struzan doesn't do the poster, I will be a LITTLE upset with this movie. As of now, my upset factor is at zero, and my excitement level being at a eleven out of ten (with ten being the highest of course)

Can't wait to frame this baby when it comes out. I got three Struzan posters hanging right now. Hellboy, Revenge of the Sith, and Empire Strikes Back. I'd like prints of of the original movie releases for the first three Indy movies, but I get the damndest feeling they might be kinda pricey.
That's just it, Luca$ just want more $$$ and can't have enough.

Most Freaks here are blind sheep who follow the beat of a drum even if it's as awful as the Phantom Menace they will still show their sad devotion to all things Luca$.