I've been thinking about switching Anakin over to a Truetype and was wondering what people thought of the following ways to do his gloved arm:
1. Make a glove out of fabric or leather that fits the TT. Find the little metal pieces to make straps, etc.
2. Sculpt the glove around a TT arm and just heat the whole TT in the oven until it's solid. Could the TT plastic take it?
3. Do what was mentioned earlier on here by Lerath: carve out the inside of the SS glove, and then perhaps try to make an adapter inside the glove for a TT peg.
4. To get wrist articulation: buy a gloved hand from one of HT's military figures, paint it black, and take Anakin's glove from the SS figure and cut it off at the wrist. Then just slide that part on the wrist before putting the HT gloved hand on.
5. Combination of 1 and 4: get a HT military gloved hand, paint it black. Make the wrist portion and the rest of the glove going up the arm out of fabric. Make the opening at the wrist very small so that it can be held in place by the peg of the gloved hand and make the other end of the glove have an elastic band so that it doesn't move...to make that end even tighter, tuck the sleeve from his robe into it. Or, even sew the end of the glove to the actual Jedi outfit so that it is sewn on one end and held in place on the other end by the wrist peg.
And if I go the sewing route, any suggestion for materials, especially the little straps around his arm?