Super Freak
Can't wait for my Anakin PF EX. It will look so cool beside my Darth Maul PF EX. Now if only they have a Obi Wan (ROTS) PF or even Yoda (ROTS) PF in the works, I will be a very happy man.
They'll surely make Obi (ROTS) sooner or later, well a Yoda (ROTS) with light up saber would be great.... and a Darth Sidious (ROTS) PF following him...without forgetting an Emperor on Throne PF from ROTJ. :emperor
I'm sure we'll see these 2 versions as PF, as Darth Sidious can be made while duelling with Yoda with his lightsaber on... the Emperor need to have his throne.... so I think, even If the Emperor is actually Darth Sidious, both will be made, we have two Luke PFs, we can have 2 EMPERORS. :emperor:emperor