Announced 12 inch figures by Episode...

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Khev said:
Two OT characters and zero female characters. I think the next figure (if it isn't Bespin Luke) should be Leia.

If they do the Hoth version she won't have any exposed joints and can be displayed with Han.

I hope they wait a LONG time before announcing another Luke of any kind. We already have TWO PF Lukes and a 1/6 Luke. I for one am hoping SSC doesn't go all Hasbro and release a gazillion versions of Luke when there are several other characters to be had. My Jedi Luke will last me just fine. How about Leia, the droids, Chewie, Vader, troopers and more before another Luke.
So I guess The Fett man is not showing up anytime soon? oh well, hope more characters come out in the Rebellion line.
I have to agree with Irish. At the moment I figure the Sideshow scene is saturated with Luke's. Anymore of him in the near future and we'll have to declare a state of emeregency and call in the FEMA.:lol
I don't have a problem with the PT slant of the figures so far. I mean geesh, how many 12" OT Characters have been made? Tons, not that many PT, especially ROTS.

Line em up and bring em on, PT, OT, PeeU
What if they relased Leia in the red gown and then offered an accessory pack with the Hoth jumper and vest with a new head and stormie blaster!? That'd be cool.
Im hoping they have rooted hair. Even Hasblo did rooted hair!
12" Asaaj would be da bomb! Aurra too!
Re: Announced 12 inch figure by Episode...

Wor-Gar said:
They'll probably just add the pix from OOTJ and Sith Ani. There's no way they can release 3 more Heroes before Han ships.

True, it would be difficult to get a couple more Heros announced.. but I'm up for it if Sideshow is. :D
Remember they already have "announced" Snow Bunny Padme.

Has there been any further word from SST re: this figure. We were voting on it last year, right?
IrishJedi said:
I hope they wait a LONG time before announcing another Luke of any kind. We already have TWO PF Lukes and a 1/6 Luke. I for one am hoping SSC doesn't go all Hasbro and release a gazillion versions of Luke when there are several other characters to be had. My Jedi Luke will last me just fine. How about Leia, the droids, Chewie, Vader, troopers and more before another Luke.
I don't get the relevance of there being two PF Lukes. Not only is it a different line, its a completely different medium. Its kind of like saying "I hope they wait YEARS before giving us suited Vader because I'm sick of all the Hasbro 12 inch and 3 3/4 inch Vaders."

There is *one* Luke in the entire SS 12 inch line. And its a doozy I'll give you that. But for many, myself included, he's the number one character of the entire saga with several iconic uniforms. I don't think asking for the Bespin fatigues to come out an entire year after Jedi Luke is jumping the gun.

IrishJedi said:
How about Leia, the droids, Chewie, Vader, troopers and more before another Luke.
Did you say Vader? We're already getting a Darth Vader figure at SDCC. Shouldn't we wait a "LONG" time before getting another? I didn't think so. Because sometimes separate iconic looks are worth visiting sooner rather than later.

Giving us more than one Luke isn't "going all Hasbro." Nobody complained when Kenner gave us Tatooine Luke and X-Wing Luke with only 20 total figures up to that point.

I'd be thrilled if they announced any of the characters you suggest. But I'll still take Bespin Luke before any of them. For me it isn't just about seeing wildly divergent figures. Its about a representation of the character who stood by as Yoda raised the X-Wing from the swamp, who ducked the first ever shots fired by Boba Fett, who faced Vader on Cloud City and was subject to one of the most shocking revelations in the history of cinema. *That's* what I want to see represented in 12 inch form, with the jaw dropping quality we've come to expect from Sideshow. And I hope to see it very, very soon. :D
Also, this is the least Vadery-Vader they could have made. Don't get me wrong its a darn cool looking figure, but I still almost always call him Sith-eyes Anankin... I just equate Vader with the suit.