I'm not sure if others have run into this problem but apparently it's more common than I thought. A guy from Italy bought a Moore Kabuki statue from me and then once it arrived he filed a paypal grievance, stating the item received was "not as described". As soon as this popped up in my email I immediately contacted him to ask the problem assuming it had gotten broken in transit or something like that. Instead he tells me that I sent him a bottle or water. I thought there was some kind of a translation problem, "a bottle of water?" I asked. He confirmed and I asked him to send me a photo. Sure enough he sent me a photo of a bottle of water in the packaging (no art box just a full water bottle in the peanuts). Of course I realized it was a scam immediately. First, we are not allowed to send liquids through the mail without indicating the contents via customs. So I couldn't write resin statue and then put in a bottle of water unless I want to get fined or put on a watch list. Second, why would I spend $40 to ship a $1 bottle of water? It's not that it's even that much money $180 if paypal ends up ruling against me. But I'm guessing since the customs form is trackable his dispute will be denied and recognized for the scam it is. I cannot understand dishonest people sometimes. How can you even enjoy something that you know is stolen? That makes you nothing but a pathetic thief and a liar who should be ashamed of himself. Unfortunately one runs into the occasional crook, but it always sickens me when folks stoop this low.
Anyway, for anyone shipping international, here's a thread I found about scams.
SCAMS committed by eBay buyers: - The eBay Community