Super Freak
Oh. Well, uh... yup. I feel like a complete bastard.
They just heated them up to warm them. They supposedly had a nutty flavor to them.
I would rather just kill it and eat it whole (Pass it with soda or something. )
Or at least cut it in half and pass it down...... I would never chew on that
(that thing popped like a pimple.....)
He wasted the most nutritious part.
In Beijing one time I was fine with trying these:
...but didn't have the stomach to try these:
I don't think they would've been gooey though - all those things are so heavily fried and heavily salted they're kind of like potato chips.
Bear Grills is the GMO-generation's manly man.
And it shows. Because he is a complete ****ing idiot.
90% of his bits look like Will Ferrel skits.
I've had shark once. Loved it, but someone else cooked it. Don't think I can replicate it.
I asked some friends about 5 Guys and they said it was not good.
Some friends are dumb.