Like I said ... so what? Man has hunted for millennia. Why shouldn't he enjoy it?
Seems to me it'd be more enjoyable, not less so, when it does good beyond just having a good time and a good challenge. When it feeds. When it protects. When it cultivates. When it preserves. What's there not to enjoy?
Man may have hunted, but he evolved as a prey animal. Contrary to popular belief. Birds, snakes, leopards, lions, hyenas, bears, wolves - we didn't hunt them, they hunted us. And they were pretty damn good at it. When we did start hunting, it wasn't because we evolved to become predators (notice we don't have sharp teeth, claws, or the running speed to match these predators). It's because our brains had developed enough to the point where we understood that we
could kill and eat other animals. We're not predators, we're prey who have the intelligence to improvise - which is where livestock comes from...which is why we don't need to be killing lions/leopards/elephants/rhinos (most of which are endangered and I know for a fact the rhinos aren't overpopulated).
So there's not some pre-built desire or instinct to hunt. Unless you're a sociopath maybe.
Notice she's not smiling next to the village she fed by killing this elephant, if that's even true, but she's smiling next to her "trophies". I sincerely doubt she started hunting to help control certain animal populations or to feed various African villages. That's just her excuse. She started hunting because she likes killing animals. And that's sickening. No one who actually cared about these animals would be taking photos of themselves standing on top of them with a huge smile on their face like they just won a battle and the dead animal is their trophy.
You should not enjoy the act of killing another creature. If the end result is more beneficial than harmful, that's something you should enjoy. But this girl clearly enjoys taking their lives, as do most "hunters".
I feel bad when I accidentally step on a snail.
So I don't think we're gonna come to an agreement on this.
Same. Anytime I see an animal in the road, I stop to move it out of the way. I used to kill black widows and fiddlebacks (venomous spiders, not sure if they're as common where you live) on site, but now I scoop them up and take them outside. And when I did used to kill them, it was never out of some sick desire, it was out of fear. But as I've grown up I've realized that I have the capability to move them out of my home without harming them or myself, which is the responsible thing to do.