Any new Star Wars PF's in the works?

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Id like to see the following:
Luke Hoth
Luke X Wing
Luke Jedi
Han Solo ROTJ Trenchcoat (with new head sculpt!, cmon, theyve done 2 indys now, whats holding back an updated new head sculpt Solo! :rolleyes:)
Emperor ROTJ
Mace Windu
Han Hoth


I'm pretty sure we'll see Dooku by the end of the year. We could certainly use a lightsaber weilding Luke PF as there hasn't been one yet and I wouldn't ming Han from Empire.
you can just about count on being announced either just before or during Comic-Con, and we know it will not be Qui-gon - but a PT character. personally, I'm hoping for ROTS Obi to go with Anakin

I agree if you get a good pose a Royal Guard has fantastic potential.

Obi-Wan Kenobi from ROTS won't be released this year as Sideshow said in one of the latest Q&A... ;)
according to SS Q&A the ROTS Obi has been ruled out for 2009, now I really want to know what they have up their sleeve?

Obi-Wan Kenobi from ROTS won't be released this year as Sideshow said in one of the latest Q&A... ;)

Just because they said it won't be RELEASED in '09 doesn't mean we won't see it ANNOUNCED (SDCC perhaps...with a Q1 2010 release date!) :naughty
Chiming in on the "wish lists"...

Would love to see variations of troopers...starting w/ Sandtrooper and snowtrooper...

Would love a premium format C3PO and R2D2.

Lando Calrissian (Bespin) PLEAAAAASE!!!
Han Solo ESB
Standalone Yoda
Jedi Luke
Probe Droid
Luke Pilot
and the last (ignoring that it would be MUCH to big): Luke Hoth on Tauntaun
From today's Sideshow Q&A:

Q: I would like to know how many Star Wars Premium Format Figures will be announced in 2009 (not including the Scout Trooper)? And how long do we have to wait for a C-3PO PF?

A: After the Biker Scout, there is one more Star Wars Premium Format figure planned to ship at the tail end of 2009 or very early 2010. The character will be revealed soon - and is one that often appears on the want lists that we receive and read on the forums. (Not quite as often as the Stormtrooper, but often.)

C-3PO is currently in development, but will not be released in 2009.
Dooku? I see his name requested a ^^^^load of times....him and Jedi Luke.