Any new Star Wars PF's in the works?

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Is there any chance we’ll see a Qui-Gon Jinn Premium Format this year, in honor of ‘The Phantom Menace’ 10th anniversary?

Has it been 10 years already? No, we don’t have Qui-Gon on tap for 2009 Premium Formats, but you will see at least one prequel character in the 2009 PF line-up.

I am very satisfied by your representation of Anakin Skywalker as a Premium Format Figure. Will Sideshow announce an Obi-Wan Kenobi from ‘Revenge of Sith’ in Premium Format in the near future?

Obi-Wan is high on our list of characters in consideration for Premium Format, but not coming in 2009.

Looking at how awesome the Mystique Premium Format Figure turned out, is there a chance that Star Wars PF collectors will see a certain blue skin Jedi Twi’lek in PF form?

We will share your dedicated support for Ms. Secura with our design and development teams! It is odd how well blue-skinned characters turn out, eh?

One thing is clear, it will be a prequel character, but not Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon or Aayla.
I now feel the same way about the Dooku PF that I did about the Lando 12"... just hurry it and get it out of the way so we can get to the cool stuff.
I'd like to see..

Shaak Ti
Aurra Sing
Emperors Guard
Nice battle worn Clonetrooper..any one will do!!
Mace Windu
Hoth Han
Lando Skiff (with alternate unhelmeted head as the exclusive)

Not in that particular order!!
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My most-wanted SW PFs:

ESB Vader

From the PT, I'd want:

ROTS Obi-Wan
Clone Troopers (my fist choice would be Commander Gree)
Palpatine (Senator... red robes)
Jango Fett

And I doubt we'll see any of those for a while. :(
I'd love to see a Commander Cody PF personally, done like the CIM where you can remove the head to show the Cody HS and an arm that would hold the empty helmet.
I would like to know how many Star Wars Premium Format Figures will be announced in 2009 (not including the Scout Trooper)? And how long do we have to wait for a C-3PO PF?

After the Biker Scout, there is one more Star Wars Premium Format figure planned to ship at the tail end of 2009 or very early 2010. The character will be revealed soon - and is one that often appears on the want lists that we receive and read on the forums. (Not quite as often as the Stormtrooper, but often.)

C-3PO is currently in development, but will not be released in 2009.

Taken from sideshow answers 22/4/09:chew
First of all I think we need a new Han Solo PF definitely

Padme from AOTC needs to be done as PF

Emperor one my biggest wishes

Always loved Aayla Secura

Standalone Luke from ESB with functional lightsaber, exclusive could come with changeable hand with blaster on it