Any Thoughts on the Plo Koon Exclusive?

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Not having read any of the EU (except for the first few novels in the early 90's), the extra light saber doesn't interest me.

Droid parts do. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Zakk Attakk said:
That last pic is actually photoshopped.

Well OBVIOUSLY... the lightsaber is lit up!

hehe j/k. Hmm... darn. It was a pretty good composite. Well the Ep2 figure of Plo Koon didn't have the "alvin & the chipmunks" robe (though it was inaccurate) so I wonder if he ever had a regular cloak like the others?
i say either an :

Unmasked Plo Koon



no goggles Plo Koon




actually wasn't Maul the first without an Exclusive??

I don't care what the Exclusive is as long as he looks like that!!! :monkey5
creature4000 said:
actually wasn't Maul the first without an Exclusive??

I don't care what the Exclusive is as long as he looks like that!!! :monkey5

No maul had an exclusive. All of them have had so far.
Agent0028 said:
I think he means no "exclusive" since Maul was "inclusive".

Even as an inclusive Maul had an exclusive item. Also Maul was still a SS Exclusive but just called an inclusive because "we" determined the ES.
jlcmsu said:
Even as an inclusive Maul had an exclusive item. Also Maul was still a SS Exclusive but just called an inclusive because "we" determined the ES.
Ah, but it wasn't called an exclusive item now was it?
korelius said:

Not to me. They would be if they'd have included one with Mace. Who wants a council scene without a chair for Mace?!?! :monkey3
i agree with Anti- Hero... if they included a council chair with obi wan and mace it would be cool to include with Plo. unless they might release them individually someday so we can construct our own council scene. (hint, hint) im not really sure what would be a good exclusive item for him because he was such a random background character. he didnt even see that much action in the books, or cartoon.
I can't see it because I'm at work and the network here blocks SS site. :(

So I'll take your word for it and admit I was wrong. Not the first time today though.
I still hope for the yellow saber (but maybe that's only because I wanna take credit for suggesting it :D ).
And now that we're talking council chairs, wouldn't it be cool if they released two or three sets a la Jabba that connected to form the whole council floor? The figures included could be that long-neck dude and the hairy guy... they look pretty 'inaction-y', if I say so myself, not unlike the Huttese gangster... That I would shell out cash for...
How about half of a chopped-up Geonosian? I guess that would actually work better with a character who was actually in the arena in AOTC... nevermind. :monkey3

Did Plo have any crazy EU adventures from which exclusive could come? I think the yellow saber should be standard.
yeah.. the yellow saber should be standard. That wouldn't a good exclusive considering everything else. But come Thursday I'm sure we'll see.
jlcmsu said:
I can't see it because I'm at work and the network here blocks SS site. :(

So I'll take your word for it and admit I was wrong. Not the first time today though.

Dude, what do you do on order days, take a vacation day?