Any Thoughts on the Plo Koon Exclusive?

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hairlesswookiee said:
yeah, but dont forget there hasnt been a PT premium format yet .
That is a Grievous error you are making. :D

hairlesswookiee said:
i think the robes will be corrected by the time he ships. he probably wont be in our homes until the first of the year anyways.
I agree the robe bugs me, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have it open, but when they were doing picture made a mistake and closed it all the way up. Hopefully it'll be fixed if not.
I love the EU stuff, so the gauntlet is cool with me.


As far as the regular lightsaber is concerned....the only movie he ignighted a blade in was AOTC, and it was BLUE.

Maybe they can give us 3 interchangeable blades of blue, green and yellow. Make everyone happy that way. :lol
Yeah, the saber blade color threw me off was blue in AOTC wasn't it? At first I thought SS was doing a yellow blade (like the infamous incorrect POTJ Hasbro figure) but yeah, it's green.

As for the saber gaunlet...interesting. A little taste of concept stuff showing up now and again could be cool.

And it wasn't like this guy had enoigh screen time to have anything else (for an accessory) that would've made sense...
Well who knows we may get three lightsaber colors with this release. That would be cool. Have one unignited and then three ignited sabers (blue, green and yellow) I guess we will find out in 30 minutes
Well lets think what he probably WILL come with. My guess:

Jedi Holoprojector
Jedi Comm
Lightsaber ignited
Lightsaber hilt
Grip right
Grip Left
Gesture Left

So if we did get 2 or 3 ignited sabers I wouldn't really complain.
Would've liked to see more accessorys offered with him though. If they choose the gauntlet, why not add the 2 bandoliers? Maybe they could offer future accessory sets for all the Jedi from the Clone Wars. Something like this from Expanded Universe or Concept Art could be generic and pretty easy to slip onto the 12" figures. Something like what Hasbro did when they offered their Clone Wars 3 3/4 figures (non-animated). Obi-Wan and Anakin had headgear, bandoliers, and backpacks. Mace had wrist gauntlets. Hell, even Yoda had a battle-vest.