Any UK Freaks with an Anakin yet?

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JustinLuck said:
Are the paint and arm issues the same with the European release? If these two things were fixed, he could be a perfect figure :(

Hi Justin.
Sorry to say that pretty much as soon as I attempted to put the lit Saber in his hand and pose him, I noticed his right arm looked a little long. and sure enough it had come out of the peg.

I dont have any nylon plumbers tape at the moment. but im going across the road to get some in a bit. that ought to fix it. I dont want to have to keep trying to replace the arm. The belt where it joins looks like it might not hold up to repeated poking and proding, and you have to remove all the top clothing really to get to the arm so i want to get this fix right first time.

The lips are too dark and glossy, yes. but it doesnt look as bad as it does in close up shots on forums and the like. I think the hair paint colour is alright myself. The lips im going to attempt to repaint i think. But its really not terrible. I could certainly live with if if i chose not to repaint them.

For me the arm is definatly the big annoyance. I want to be able to change the pose of my anakin whenever the mood takes me and having an arm that drops off if the wind changes or my cat looks at it funny, will really bug me. so i have to get that fix done. Otherwise i really like the figure. Love the little opening compartments on his belt.

Just be careful with that belt when you get it Justin :) it has two little pegs that fit into 2 little holes in the belt. One of the holes in the belt was already torn when i took mine out of the box, but the one peg in the intact hole holds the belt just fine. but it IS a very delicate belt so take your time with it. Did you manage to fix your luke belt yet?
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yeah my regular turned up today too.........

........except i was out.. NEXT DOOR.. doing my neigbour a favour re-pointing her paving flags in her back garden.

and to make it worse.... he called at my door.... TEN MINUTES.. after I went next door

effing typical, lol. Now they wont redeliver till monday. Might go and collect it... an hour drive there and back.. but.. y'know.. I want the weekend to fiddle with it, lol
Ok. Im officially really irritated by the arm now. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

Update. Think ive solved my arm problem now. I heated the arm stump slightly with a lighter and very gently shaped it so the top end was a bit fatter and a little flat - similar to how the hand stumps are, but not so extremely shaped. I also unpicked the stitching on the right arm of the brown undershirt as this shirt causes way too may problems with poseability and is main contributor is making the arm fall off in my opinion.

I have now been able to pose him several different ways and teh arm feels pretty secure. before my reshaping, i couldnt eeven get the tunic back on before the arm fell off again, never mind trying to pose the little guy. Things seem much better now tho.
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Got mine today! My only gripe is the way it was placed in the box. The "leather" is very mishapen at the top of the tunic and doesn't sit right. Looks like i'll be spending the weekend sorting this out. Which I suppose isn't bad as the weather forecast is supposed to be good so I'll be enjoying some of the "rare" great english weather! :D
oh! to answer the previous question, yes the paint and arm issues are still there. Which thankfully due to some creative people here are no longer issues!

I'm really impressed with this piece! Bring on Obi wan!
Thanks for the detailed review Vaderx!

Yes, I fixed Luke's belt. I took out the tacks and glued the hook flush against the belt. I now realize why it fell off so easily. The hook is simply glued over the belt and the two tacks. It isn't even a flat surface. And it's anyone's guess why there are two holes on the hook if the tacks don't go through them. Maybe they were originally designed to be tacked through, but they decided it would be faster just to glue it over them.
No problem justin. Glad you fixed your luke belt.
I realised ive mostly pointd out things that were an annoyance with the Anakin figure. So to redress the balance somewhat, Heres a few more positive points about the figure.:

The thing i immediatly noticed was how very cool the boots look. Very well sculpted and they look just great - really impressive. I found lukes kind of dull and slightly odd looking, but these are great.

The belt. Delicate as it is, the sheer amont of pouches and stuff on it and the tooling of the tiny strips of leather...very impressive indeed. Those opening pouches are fantastci too. And practical too as youre gonna need somewhere to put those teeny tiny accesories Anakin comes with. the unlit Saber clips to the belt very nicely and its good to not have those tiny little wire D-rings to deal with.

The accessories are fantastic. and really well detailed for such tiny little things. The rebreather looks great, as does the comlink. the little holoprojector is very very tiny indeed and as people have mentioned before, is glued into the tray. when you pop it out of the tray the glue remains on the bootom of the projector and its useful for when you have anakin hold it, as the tackiness of the glue keeps it in his hand.

The sabers are good looking too. at first i was a little disapointed in how pale the lit saber is. its a very pale blue indeed. not as bright and vibrant as i found lukes saber to be. But in the past few hours the colour has grown on me and im nolw liking it a lot. it does kind of portray the blue/white-ness of the movie look.

The gloved hand also looks very cool indeed. I kind of wish they'd been able to articulate the wrist, but it really doesnt matter at all. it looks as great and as iconic and the real thing. The Cyborg limb is also really really well made and a thing of beauty. its a shame that im really not likely to use this arm. but im delighted to have the option. and its so well made its a great accesory and im very pleased to have it.

I personally love the head sculpt too. Yes, ill probably repaint the lips. And maybe give the face a very slight wash just to bring out a little more detail. but im going to wait till i get my SDCC exclusive sith Anakin before i do that.

Overall im very happy with this figure. It really is a piece of art and im happy to own it. The changeable hands seems to stay on better than lukes too.

Lastly, I really like the Jedi Robe. I think the material they've used is really effective and while Anakins hood takes a little more posing to get just right than lukes did. once you get there it looks really great

Now that i solved (i think) the problem of his arm dropping off and have got over the irritation that brought on. Im immensely pleased with this figure. Cant wait for Kit Fisto now.

Please can we have a few more non-force users now tho? Please? Please? :D
Vaderx said:
...Please can we have a few more non-force users now tho? Please? Please? :D

Right! Give us Lando and Leia*! We've had more than enough force users for this year!

*I know, Leia IS a force user. But she's not aware of that until way in the end of RotJ.