Like, Winston Churchill's "victory" sign?I don't particularly buy them for their re-sale value, but it really sticks two fingers up at the collector. . .

Yeah, they probably do that. But I don't think it sucks. Let them have their moment.
Like, Winston Churchill's "victory" sign?I don't particularly buy them for their re-sale value, but it really sticks two fingers up at the collector. . .
I get what you're saying, but it's not a completely fair comparisson. People collect G1 transformers mostly out of nostalgia. They take for granted that the toys are thirty years old and therefor are not as good as current toys. With Hot Toys, those things are brandnew and there is nothing to appreciate in the same way as you appreciate a G1 TF.
People indeed collect Hot Toys because of the likeness of characters they love (and perhaps are nostalgic about). This particular toy has no special place in history, unlike for example the G1 transformers.
No, I think people will buy the newest version that comes out. Even with the fear that an even newer version is around the corner it seems they still continue to buy. I think people buy more than ever.
My comment was about people being disinterested in 1.0 figures (and the reason for that) while at the same time expecting their figure collection to have lasting value.
Yup, the days of collecting for "value" ended a couple of years ago with the death of real limited edition collectibles