Anyone else been priced out of this hobby?

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I just started getting into collecting a few months ago when I saw some hottoys pics online. I was very excited.

Then I saw the prices, and I was less excited.

Then I ordered one and when it came, I was excited again.

Then I received my credit card bill and was not as excited.

Number 1 rule never use credit cards to buy these things. Its way easier to swipe that card when it doesn't hit your account right away but u can rack up a couple grand quick. Better to use cash/money u have only, it will stop u from buying things u really don't need/want. This hobby can get u in deep trouble if your not careful, and credit is just tooeasy to use.

You explained the pattern well but for me its when I receive my bank statement that I cringe a bit.
Number 1 rule never use credit cards to buy these things. Its way easier to swipe that card when it doesn't hit your account right away but u can rack up a couple grand quick. Better to use cash/money u have only, it will stop u from buying things u really don't need/want. This hobby can get u in deep trouble if your not careful, and credit is just tooeasy to use.

You explained the pattern well but for me its when I receive my bank statement that I cringe a bit.

Yeah, you're right, but I always pay off my credit card in full every month, so I get the benefits of all the points, but don't pay the interest. Very true though - it is a slippery slope.
You're not priced out if you keep coming to this forum

There are plenty of lurkers about... all I know is that I'm in the same boat as many others here. I used to be able to pick up a figure because it looked cool. Now I'm passing on figures I'd actually really enjoy.

But it's not just down to increasing prices... there's the observation that many have made that I find it hard to see $250 value in too many 1/6 figures. At $150 it just has to be very good, but at $250 it has to be spectacular.

Also, my second kid has started school. The fees have killed my dolly budget. I'd like to indulge like I used to, but on the other hand, focusing just on the very special examples is rewarding in a different way.
There are plenty of lurkers about... all I know is that I'm in the same boat as many others here. I used to be able to pick up a figure because it looked cool. Now I'm passing on figures I'd actually really enjoy.

But it's not just down to increasing prices... there's the observation that many have made that I find it hard to see $250 value in too many 1/6 figures. At $150 it just has to be very good, but at $250 it has to be spectacular.

Also, my second kid has started school. The fees have killed my dolly budget. I'd like to indulge like I used to, but on the other hand, focusing just on the very special examples is rewarding in a different way.

This hobby is like collecting hot women you can only afford so many and can never have them all. We have to learn to live without and be happy with what u have. Kind of like being married
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This hobby is like collecting hot women you can only afford so many and can never have them all. We have to learn to live without and be happy with what u have. Kind of like being married


.. wait.. was that a whiff of perfume and the faint rustle of leather and lace, coming from the direction of the Heavy Artillery compound?..
*grabs body armour and races for the steps to the shelter*

Trick is, only collect what you truly deeply love, not just the "fly-by-night" fads, such as every popular superhero movie.

Do you really need every iteration of Iron Man? I don't.

I think people get into trouble with this kind of thinking.

Edit: If I can clarify a little more, just from my own experience... my 12" figure collection is quite small. It consists of HT Hellboy, HT Don Corleone, HT Spidey 3, HT DX12 Batman, HT Iron Man Mk 4, HT Wolverine, BW Scarface, BW Carlito, HT DX06 Jack Sparrow, DCD V For Vendetta and HT Supes. Hopefully this year adding the Joker, Robocop and ED-209. Maybe DX13 BD Terminator if they fix the problems with it.

These figures are either of characters I love, or movies I love, with the caveat - if it isn't REALLY good, I'm not interested. TBH, I waited 20 years for 12" figures to catch up with my personal demand for quality. :D If I have to for some of these, I'll wait another 20.

I love SW. Absolutely love it. I have many, many thousands of $$$ worth of great collectibles, ranging from busts to prop replicas. For years I collected nothing BUT SW related memorabilia. But I have no DX Luke. Why? Just not good enough. I also love Indy. No DX 05. Why? Wow, have you seen the sculpt? It's poo.

I think a lot of people start to feel the squeeze because it's a figure from a movie they love, and even if it looks not great, they feel obligated to get that.

I dig you Mr. Walker.....thats the idea of yours just make my day! I am trying to think to have those characters I love....Sometimes good offers make you think too much for having it even tough you are not into it. Anyway, great words from you!
There are plenty of lurkers about... all I know is that I'm in the same boat as many others here. I used to be able to pick up a figure because it looked cool. Now I'm passing on figures I'd actually really enjoy.

But it's not just down to increasing prices... there's the observation that many have made that I find it hard to see $250 value in too many 1/6 figures. At $150 it just has to be very good, but at $250 it has to be spectacular.


I've become somewhat of a spectator too. I've got my statue pre-orders for 2013 all done and dusted. My figures for 2012 are yet to go up for order yet so it's the ol waiting game.

There are omes that come that look really cool, but they're just not worth the price, so i let them pass and 9/10 once the in-hands pics are up and the hype fades i don't give thrm a second thought.
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Number 1 rule never use credit cards to buy these things. Its way easier to swipe that card when it doesn't hit your account right away but u can rack up a couple grand quick. Better to use cash/money u have only, it will stop u from buying things u really don't need/want. This hobby can get u in deep trouble if your not careful, and credit is just tooeasy to use.

It is...too late..for me, son. :vader
I can't recall who now, but someone said recently that if a company makes figures, cheaper than hot toys of very good overall quality and charges $90 then people would say "Pass it's not HT quality"

They've actually done studies on 'luxury', and there exists a significant portion of the market that will choose the more expensive option simply because it IS more expensive. It's just a status thing. That's what HT is at this point, and it's what drives the iminime/Rainman/custom figure market.

It's why I get a kick out of people think HT is going to price themselves out of business. It's like saying BMW is pricing themselves out of business.
I'm done with Hot Toys after this year is finished. I currently have nothing on pre-order right now except for Joker 2.0.
Like a lot of other posters, space and the rising costs have changed my collecting habits. I used to buy whatever looked cool, now I've become a lot more selective and passed on most hot toys offerings that I would have bought in the past (all of the avengers, tdkr batman, etc).

I'm spending the majority of my money on customs, but that's the area of collecting that I'm beginning to get priced out of. Some of the outrageous prices for major pieces to complete a figure are too much. I'm beginning to feel that some people are overcharging for pieces knowing that a certain piece is what you need to finish off a figure so it's a bit annoying.
Hot toys has actually pushed me into more expensive lines. Because the cost of 1/6 scale has shot up I'm done at this scale. ( unless something spectacular comes out.) I was able to pick up Enterbays 1/4 bats and joker at $300.00 a piece, not much more than HT's 1/6 line. Now that I have this scale in hand I'm not going back. I'm now thinking of ordering Sideshow PF Batman and the R2-D2 / C3PO. Also at this new scale there are fewer temptations and also deals to be had with the NECA 1/4 line.