Anyone else been priced out of this hobby?

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Collecters can talk about about economy, oil prices, cost of materials all they want. The number one reason Hot Toys charges the prices they do is because they have a rabid fan base who will buy whatever they put out because it says Hot Toys on it.

The Economy and the ever falling US Dollar has everything to do with why we are paying higher prices for Hot Toys,other toys,or just Basic necessities such as Food and clothes.

More Debt and money creation = INFLATION on everything we buy

whether its petroleum,materials,plastic, costs more to buy those things to produce because the Dollar has lost its purchasing power
People will complain about high prices and the majority will continue to pay them. So discussing the political & economic reasons for the prices won't change a damn thing about peoples spending habits.

I have to respectfully disagree with that statement. We can only speak for ourselves, hence the reason for this discussion. And as Taibhse spoke regarding his own personal finances, it doesn't have to be about personal affordability, but rather a desire to pay what is being asked for the product. Here's a hypothetical...Let's say your favorite food is a potato and the local grocery decided to charge you $40.00 for one potato. Would you still buy it? Probably not. But it's not because you can't afford it. It would simply be because you don't see the value in paying that much. Plus you could find a similar taste in lesser items. Do you drive as much on $3.90 a gallon as you did when it was $1.25? That's an economical scenario there. So personal value and economics can play a role. But each are different in their reasoning. In the case of Taibhse and myself, it's a choice not dictated by the volume of our wallets, but a value judgement in what we think the item is worth.

If you and some of your friends here think these figures are worth higher prices in the future, that's great. That's a personal choice you've made. But in effect what you're saying is, "I'm happy that I paid the amount you charged for my last figure. But if you want to increase it by 50% in the future, that's okay too." As a customer you have every right to say that. But please understand if there is truly a majority behind your opinion, you should plan on paying that much in the future, because they will listen and agree with you. Hot Toys is in business to make money. And that's exactly what they want to hear. But as a consumer with a different minded value system, I can happily walk away from that product line and not look back. You can have the $40.00 potato. I don't need the starch. :wink1:
^ i'm of your view point though regarding value. Most of my orders are statues now as figures have become too much for what they are. I was discussing how fruitless it is to go on and on about politics and economics when it won't change anything.

My simple point was: Talking about why prices are high won't make prices go down.

So whats the point of dicscussing labor wages, the economic climate of the east vs the west and cost of materials and so on when the answer won't change anything?

Increasing prices are here to stay because of customers spending trends and economic reasons, but discussing these won't reduce prices, or stop the majority splurging on HT Iron Man.

All it does it make toy discussion about global ecomonic politics :cuckoo: :sleep
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^ i'm not one of those who spends money on a figure while alsl complaining about the price.

My simple point was: Talking about why prices are high won't make prices go down.

So whats the point of dicscussing labor wages, the economic climate of the east vs the west and cost of materials and so on when the answer won't change anything?

The only way prices will go down is if people stop buying high-priced figures, and who expects the majority to do that :dunno

Prices can go up too when consumer spending drops. That's why I say, if there are enough residual buyers to soak up the increased pricing, then in effect you're paying the difference for who is leaving the market. Hot Toys is not publicly traded, so I don't know the shape of their financials. But anytime you get a group of consumers saying they're leaving the game, that's symptomatic of a bigger problem. And if you look at the price increases just in the past three years alone, it's indicative of a company testing the price points at every turn. Some will call that greed. Others might look at it and say those are increases to cover losses from other failed ventures. All I know is Hot Toys is a company that doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on managing it's price points. As a result, there's a growing undercurrent of dissatisfaction from the consumer base. Not only in price, but also in quality. People want something for these prices and I constantly read how many collectors are passing on new releases or getting out entirely because their previous purchases are not holding up. It's not hard to see the swell of dissatisfaction for a variety of reasons. But the price point is becoming a bigger annoyance in that batch of issues. And consumers coming together and discussing it on the company forum is something I would view as an action item which merits looking into if I'm the company.
Prices can go up too when consumer spending drops. That's why I say, if there are enough residual buyers to soak up the increased pricing, then in effect you're paying the difference for who is leaving the market. Hot Toys is not publicly traded, so I don't know the shape of their financials. But anytime you get a group of consumers saying they're leaving the game, that's symptomatic of a bigger problem. And if you look at the price increases just in the past three years alone, it's indicative of a company testing the price points at every turn. Some will call that greed. Others might look at it and say those are increases to cover losses from other failed ventures. All I know is Hot Toys is a company that doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on managing it's price points. As a result, there's a growing undercurrent of dissatisfaction from the consumer base. Not only in price, but also in quality. People want something for these prices and I constantly read how many collectors are passing on new releases or getting out entirely because their previous purchases are not holding up. It's not hard to see the swell of dissatisfaction for a variety of reasons. But the price point is becoming a bigger annoyance in that batch of issues. And consumers coming together and discussing it on the company forum is something I would view as an action item which merits looking into if I'm the company.

:exactly: :goodpost:
The Economy and the ever falling US Dollar has everything to do with why we are paying higher prices for Hot Toys,other toys,or just Basic necessities such as Food and clothes.

More Debt and money creation = INFLATION on everything we buy

whether its petroleum,materials,plastic, costs more to buy those things to produce because the Dollar has lost its purchasing power
Yea I know inflation is playing a part but it sure in the hell isn't the biggest part. How is it that Soldier Story, Dam Toys, and Crazy Dummy are producing military figures that are equal in quality to what Hot Toys used to release but at the same price that Hot Toys was charging 5 years ago? They're using the same labor force that Hot Toys does, why the price discrepancy? Again because Hot Toys inflates their prices because they know the fanboys will pay it.
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Um, do military figures require a license? I think Hot Toys pays a nice fee to WB and Disney to make Batman and Iron Man figures.
Um, do military figures require a license? I think Hot Toys pays a nice fee to WB and Disney to make Batman and Iron Man figures.
I would guess not. There, I answered your question now you answer mine. If inflation, materials, world economy are the reasons Hot Toys are raising their prices then how can the 3 companies I mentioned be releasing figures at the same price point as Hot Toys did 5 years ago? Just keep buying your Hot Toys dude. At least until you get priced out as well.
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I'm not priced out but I do a juggling game with other stuff. Videogames and DVD/Blu-rays I wait for massive price drops. Then I try and calculate (read guess) the potential loss if I don't get a statue before it hits eBay. Some times eBay can be cheaper than direct prices. For example, I missed getting Hot Toys Batman 89 when he was around $200 shipped I believe. That's less than at Sideshow. The thing to avoid is the 2 to 3 times if not more price hike when some statues sell out. That's what scares me.
I was priced out a while ago. Just too expensive for what you get now. I started seeing Hot Toys figures in terms of car payments and it really put stuff in perspective.

What sucks is that I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of good stuff which sucks. This hobby is a hard habit to break.
There, I answered your question now you answer mine. If inflation, materials, world economy are the reasons Hot Toys are raising their prices then how can the 3 companies I mentioned be releasing figures at the same price point as Hot Toys did 5 years ago?

I don't have all the answers for the price difference, but licensing costs and actor likeness royalties are something Hot Toys has to incorporate into their prices and the other companies you are referring to would not if they are making generic military figures.
Just worked out hot toys catwoman has a pound price of £128.00 on sideshow plus you have delivery at £25.00 and then tax. Thats is far far too much for a dolly with a couple of hands and a gun. Someone is making a killing on these things and I think its China. Oh and I PO'd it "oh well"
Thats is far far too much for a dolly with a couple of hands and a gun. Someone is making a killing on these things and I think its China. Oh and I PO'd it "oh well"

I'm still new to Hot Toys, but from what I understand most of the figures use the same underbody type too. Some get small modifications but for the most part it's the same base body. Just look at Black Widow. She really doesn't have Scarlett Johansson's more curvy body.
Not priced out yet, but I have cut down and really focused on what i want. I am happy with what i currently have in my collection and i am waiting on a few other pieces to add to it.

Yes, This is an expensive hobby but what hobby isn't? I live in Alaska and used to snowmachine (snowmobile to the rest of the world) all the time. I could spend $200 or more on a weekend trip to the mountains with fuel, food and other things.

I have friends who spend $300 a month on cigarettes, some who spend a couple hundred a month on fancy coffee. I know a few guys who are really into high end mountain and road bikes costing over $3000. I have a stepson who plays hockey, all that gear and road trips add up. I even have one friend who collects Oakley sunglasses, he would by a pair a month spending $100 to $200 each time.

I guess I am just saying yes these things are expensive and overpriced but a lot of things we and our friends enjoy are. if you enjoy collecting them and can afford it go ahead and do it. It's a way better than blowing your cash on drugs, alcohol or gambling. Also unlike coffee or cigarettes at least we can get some of our money back if we sell.

Not sure if any of you listen to thehottoycast podcast but episode 5 has an interview with a guy from Big Chief studios and he gives some good behind the scenes information on how a lot of these companies like Hot Toys work. Also how the actual assembly is about 60% of the cost of a figure.
I'm not priced out, but I stopped buying products from a company I truly enjoyed & respected for a while for a variety of reasons for the past few months.

Saved up quite a bit of $. I'm not blowing it on HOT TOYS, but I'm finding myself being more fickle with 1:6 purchases as of late and saving $ which is a good thing.