So thanks again for all the great input everyone... So I came back home to Tampa last week, and naturally some things have surfaced about all this... With having mutual friends, and a relationship with family members, hearing about things was inevitable and now some questions have been answered...
I was SO confused and curious as to why I had been getting ignored and what not (as you guys already know). Turns out, the ex had been frequenting bars and clubs and apparently having drunken make out sessions in bars with a guy. And "just recently" the ex has been "talking" to a new guy from her old job..... (she just got fired from a serving job for stealing money off a check).......

I hate how she proclaimed "I just knew I didn't want to be with you anymore...." Obviously she had new distractions, but didn't care to admit anything to me.... Even when I asked NUMEROUS times if something was going on, she just denied and denied everything. AND she still accepted gifts I was sending from across the country..... While all this was going on back home behind my back?!!!?!?!

So of course after hearing all this, I spoke my mind to her (in a calm, civil manner). Of course everything was "justified" in her mind, and I had NO BUSINESS knowing any of this..... But to dig the knife deeper into my chest, she proceeds to tell me that this "new guy" is SUCH a better fit for her, that he fills all the voids I couldn't, that he pays for everything and that he NEVER gets angry.... blah, blah, blah...
So, it ALL makes sense now. I gotta say, I'm totally shocked to hear all this. I didn't expect this kind of behavior from her... And to think I wanted to marry her??? I don't know who I'm more disappointed in, ME or HER!
So this totally makes "moving on" much easier now, and to know that this is not what I want anymore.... I must admit I had some hope before, but now it's all shot, and that's the best that could've happened. Thanks for the input guys

Hopefully this shed some light on all this for you, because it SURE did for me. Now I can be put to rest