Darth Cruel
Super Freak
Join the military because it's something that you really want to do, not because you're looking for a job or for the schooling. Too many of them do this and then complain because they get sent into a warzone. I can remember quite a few saying, "I didn't sign up for this" when they got called over into Iraq. Well, yes you did. You joined the army or whatever, that's what it's all about.
When I was on a ship on the way to Desert Storm, I had to laugh from time to time as I would walk across the flight deck and see a sight so completely contrasting that it was comical. One one side, there would be a group of Marines listening to news about the war like it was a baseball game and they were cheering in support of an Army unit that took flak for allegedly (it was never proved as far as I know) running over Iraqis in fighting positions with bulldozers and those Marines were chomping at the bit to get to the fight.
And on the other side of the deck was a group of Marines bawling like babies terrified and complaining that they didn't join the Marines to go to war, they joined for money for college.
l think the guys who take the most dangerous jobs for the smallest pay do have something big in their pants, they don't need to compensate for anything.
I agree...and I stand as living proof.