It would really help to know what happened in full but summarized. Was he in your blind spot going 65? You didnt stop at a stop sign? Did he play dead when he got hit?
The reason I ask is because of what happened to me below. I took 25-30 blows to the head and everyone that witnessed it thought I was ok but 20 min later till the present I still have issues.
On 8/24/11 6 what I thought were kids came to my car wash and I saw 2 of them steal for the store inside. I watched the security right after they left to make sure. I went after them and found them at their car that was parked in front of the bank. I came to call the cops after they BSd and the driver knocked my cell out of my hand. I got him in a bear hug from behind and held him for 4 minutes until his friends started punching me in the back of the head. Being right handed I let go and made a backhanded punch to one of their faces and then a 2 hit combo I didn't know I hand in me. That person ended up with a busted nose. They jumped into the Yukon and started to back out. I opened the drivers door and reached for the the keys. It took me 8-10 seconds to get it as they punched me in the head. I got the key and this lady that I know took the keys from me.
8-12 cop cars showed up and all six were arrested. The 2 that hit me in the back of the head were 20 and 17 and the guy I was holding was 18. Funny thing is I knew 80% of those cops and a majority of the witnesses know me too. One of them is a Fire Chief so she called her friend that is dispatch at the station and that's why the cops all came.
20 min after it all ended I was jacked up. I couldnt stand, I couldnt speak, I was talking 3 different languages in the same sentence. I went to the hospital and then it got worse.
Entire thing took 6 minutes (I left out a few things) , I took 25-30 blows to my head, chipped 2 teeth, messed up my left wrist, scratched my overpriced sunglasses, phone gone, faint black eye, missed a week from work, had to pay another guy to make up for my lose, I still get headaches 4 months later, the first month my coordination was way off, My wrist is still jacked.
I will be pursuing 4 of the 6 bastards in court and all of it started for $6.00 worth of crap