It is scary, but this big-brother-control is the future in almost all electronic media. We are seeing it in video games with DLC and fees, Sony blocking hardware that has been tampered with, and Apple controlling every aspect of their products like tyrants. I think we are going to see more and more product control now that everything is connected to the internet.
In some ways, we only have ourselves to blame; Piracy, torrents, mp3 swaps, hacking systems to play ripped games, and the used game/movie markets have caused tech companies to look for ways to implement control over their media. While I personally don't watch pirated movies, ripped games, or use torrents, I know alot of people who do. With the advent of eBay/, Mortal Kombat 9 was probably the only video game that I have bought new in years and I never buy movies new.
Just my two-cents...