Because you take pot shots at people who upgrade every year or two when a new product comes out. I guess I'm dumb then because if I feel it's an upgrade I'll spend MY money on it. It's really none of your business what I do with said money when new tech comes out.
I think the lawsuit is lame but their tech is great so I'll keep buying. I'll reference Keith's comment about CFA that's his money to spend there, and I've chosen not to but I'm not gonna say crap about him because he does.
you can upgrade if you want, some people have two laptops, that is okay,
the thing that is ridiculous is how the fans act like it's the second coming, they make lines and go apes__ for the same product,
if people admitted Apple is not the Messiah and every product was not he second coming,
I think that is why people make fun of Apple fanboys, I am not talking about anyone in particular but just in general,
it is true that Apple has great products, the Ipod revolutionized the industry, now you can carry every single song you ever heard in your life with you, How Amazing Is that??

yet, the company is pretty awful, with their new products that are the same as the old ones, their horrible lawsuits and their horrible Itunes store, music sounds bad, and they let you borrow it, you don't even own it...F____k apple just for that,
I have an Old Ipod, classic Ipod, I love my Ipod, but I hate apple