Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
I came across this on Youtube
That's all the Marvel movies from 1998-2001, And it just made me feel damn thankful for the Marvel movies we've gotten.
I'm especially thankful for the movies that started the craze and got the ball rolling, while some are not as comic accurate or well made as we fans would've liked, without them we would've have had the greats.
I didn't know anything about Blade outside of his appearances in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon. but with the first two movies i became a fan, while not commercial blockbusters they were well recieved enough to get the ball rolling for Marvel movies and provided great movies themselves and memorable scenes.
Blade vs Nomak = BADASS !!!!
The costumes are the most controvercial thing about these movies, and while i agree they weren't great they were after all a product of their time.
Marvel movies were just starting out, the studios didn't know if the mainstream audience were ready for garish costumes. As much as i love the X-Men's costumes in the comic i feel they'd be very hard to nail on-screen.
Cyclops for example, could you imagine seeing bright Blue and Yellow spandex in the first X-Men movie?
The suits weren't great but they did serve their purpose on uniting the team under a uniformed look.
X-Men first Class did a great job of making the uniforms comic accurate while also having them fit into the film. The combination of the Blue and Yellow, the material and Flight-Suit motif brought the original costumes onto the screen in a belivable way.
Now that audiences are used to more colourful costumes, they'll be better for sure in upcoming films, but afterall we ouldn't have upcoming films if it wasn't for the originals like X-Men (2000).
Story, Plot & Characters:
As for the movie, while the characterisations weren't perfect, they grew with the films and became loved. X2 is still one of the best Superhero movies made. the way the teams split is just like the comics, seeing Wolverine lead the X-kids was both funny and well done.
The plots of the films were all great, even X3 (it's the execuation that ruined it), they all had the defining themes from the comics (Mutant Legislation, Mutant genocide, The Cure).
Inroducing & expanding new Mutants as each movie went by was great, particularly Nightcralwer, Iceman & Pyro in X2
Casting wise, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jaskman were perfect of their characters, Alan cumming as Nightrwaler was excellent, and most others good, it's hard to find a character who casted actor wasn't good, at leas in the first two movies.
The costume is probably the most comic accurate of all superhero movies.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The Spider-Man films are probably the films that haven't aged as much out of all the originals.
While the plot formula of girlfriend gets kidnapped and villain kills himself became stale overtime and the characters gradually became more and more unlikable, Spider-Man 2 is near perfection and remains one of the best Superhero movies made with Doc Ock as one of the best Villains on-screen.
Casting wise, with the exception of Topher Grace all villains were casted great, the lead was good and the female lead also good.
I haven't watched this in years, but i've got an urge to have a Marvel movie marathon after seeing that clip.
The Daredevil costume is one of the hardest to get right on-screen, while Spider-Man has a good mix of Red and Blue and details like the Webbing Pattern and big logos, the daredevil costume is pure Red spandex, even the logo is red.
Imagine the spider-man costume from the Raimi era in just Red, add a DD logo and different mask and that'd be the most comic accurate Daredevil, but it'd also look silly.
The Leather material of the movie suit gave the costume definition and shine, this made it look more busy that it was, for good or for bad the suit while not liked by most did the best it could with the source material while remaining accurate to the costumes core design.
Story, Plot & Characters:
Ben Afleck was decent as the lead, not perfect casting but he did well. the supporting actors were also okay, nothing special but okay. Colin Farrell had alot of energy for Bullseye and worked the best onscreen imo.
The story and plot were also decent, something about the film just didn't pop for people but i'd rate it a solid attempt that did alot right, Action was good.
People called this the Shrek Hulk because of his short build and light green colour. Most hate is, some like it.
I liked it becuase Hulks colour has changed throught his characters history, and when onscreen i thought he looked great in action and great when showing facials emotion.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The first Hulk film has very mixed audience opinions, there's a decidedly love it or hate it opinion.
Many went in expecting to just see hulk smash! and were left dissapointed by the emotiona heavy plot and lack of Hulk action. The editting was quite ambitious as it integrated comic book paneling which was an aquired taste.
I'd personally say this film was very ahead of it's time, To this day it remains the singular superhero film to really show the emotial affect of becoming super-human, Banner tried with difficulty to keep his emotions in check so as not to let out the beast and after felt great shame for his actions, in fact the movie was in essence about the emotional response to power, Bruce tried to repress it while his Father wanted it, two great contrasts and the editting was unique.
The plot was simply not what the audience wanted at the time. That coupled with the change in origin, limited action & a pretty lame villain in his father (who looked like a bum) made this film difficult for audiences to accept.
Casting wise, Eric Bana was recieved as well as Hulk, people for some reason didn't love him as Bruce Banner despite a solid performance. Jennifer Connely remains the best Betty on film and Sam Lane did very well as T-bolt Ross.
Costuming was near perfect, Punisher is easy to get right and they did it
Story, Plot & Characters:
The film was recieved well, people didn't love it crazily but they didn't hate it visiously either.
It sticks pretty close to the Comics, his family is murdered and he takes revenge. the details have changed throughout time but the key elemts remains the same.
The only real not-so-great things about the film were the casting and characters. Thomas Jane was fine a Frank Caslte, but John travolta camped it up too mucha nd Castles neghbours got too much screen time.
Movie was good but the wait continues a perfect Punisher film.
Fantastic Four
The FF costume is pretty hard to get wrong and they done it well, the plot also gave reason for them to be in costume (it remains in tact during and after they use their powers) which isn't done often.
The Thing does look dated and next time he's on-screen he'll probably be CGI, Dooms costume was okay when worn, not great.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The characters are meant to be fun and easy going and the movies, particularly the second installment, were fun and easy going, the plot of the first movie was decent, it introduced the characters and setting well, the second was much better as the switching powers plot was fun and made for some great scenes.
The biggest problem with the FF movies were the villains, Dr Doom wasn't the scientist magician equal in intelligence to Reed Richards he is in the Comics, his was a jealous corporate douche. Most of his time in the films he was out of mask and very vein, Doom wears a mask for a reason, they removed that reason and since he didn't resemble the characteristics of his comic counterpart he wasn't really Doom.
The less said about Galactus the better, however Siler Surfer was PERFECT, his colour, his body, his voice, his movements were all perfect. Even the 'Marvel Studios would do every movie better' crowd can't say Marvel could do Surfer better than FF2.
Casting was both good and bad. Jessica Alba was too sulty sexy for Sue Storm, Julian McMahon as Doom wasn't that good, but that was mostly down to him having too much facetime and being too much of a corporate businessman character. Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd and Chris Evans were all good as Reed, Ben and Johhny.
The FF movies did alot wrong, but also did alot right.
Seeing that video just made me damn thankful for all the Marvel movies from the start to where we are now, from the great to the poor, because without the earlier films that got certain things wrong we wouldn't have the films that get those certain things right due to the lessons learned.
Thank you New Line Cinema, Fox Studios and Sony Pictures for making Marvel movies on screen a reailty for us fans, without them we wouldn't have had great movies like Iron Man, Thor, Captain America (or any Marvel Studio financed movies), the excellent X-Men First Class, The Amazing Spider-Man, and the all the upcoming movies for us to enjoy.
That's all the Marvel movies from 1998-2001, And it just made me feel damn thankful for the Marvel movies we've gotten.
I'm especially thankful for the movies that started the craze and got the ball rolling, while some are not as comic accurate or well made as we fans would've liked, without them we would've have had the greats.
I didn't know anything about Blade outside of his appearances in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon. but with the first two movies i became a fan, while not commercial blockbusters they were well recieved enough to get the ball rolling for Marvel movies and provided great movies themselves and memorable scenes.
Blade vs Nomak = BADASS !!!!
The costumes are the most controvercial thing about these movies, and while i agree they weren't great they were after all a product of their time.
Marvel movies were just starting out, the studios didn't know if the mainstream audience were ready for garish costumes. As much as i love the X-Men's costumes in the comic i feel they'd be very hard to nail on-screen.
Cyclops for example, could you imagine seeing bright Blue and Yellow spandex in the first X-Men movie?
The suits weren't great but they did serve their purpose on uniting the team under a uniformed look.
X-Men first Class did a great job of making the uniforms comic accurate while also having them fit into the film. The combination of the Blue and Yellow, the material and Flight-Suit motif brought the original costumes onto the screen in a belivable way.
Now that audiences are used to more colourful costumes, they'll be better for sure in upcoming films, but afterall we ouldn't have upcoming films if it wasn't for the originals like X-Men (2000).
Story, Plot & Characters:
As for the movie, while the characterisations weren't perfect, they grew with the films and became loved. X2 is still one of the best Superhero movies made. the way the teams split is just like the comics, seeing Wolverine lead the X-kids was both funny and well done.
The plots of the films were all great, even X3 (it's the execuation that ruined it), they all had the defining themes from the comics (Mutant Legislation, Mutant genocide, The Cure).
Inroducing & expanding new Mutants as each movie went by was great, particularly Nightcralwer, Iceman & Pyro in X2
Casting wise, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jaskman were perfect of their characters, Alan cumming as Nightrwaler was excellent, and most others good, it's hard to find a character who casted actor wasn't good, at leas in the first two movies.
The costume is probably the most comic accurate of all superhero movies.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The Spider-Man films are probably the films that haven't aged as much out of all the originals.
While the plot formula of girlfriend gets kidnapped and villain kills himself became stale overtime and the characters gradually became more and more unlikable, Spider-Man 2 is near perfection and remains one of the best Superhero movies made with Doc Ock as one of the best Villains on-screen.
Casting wise, with the exception of Topher Grace all villains were casted great, the lead was good and the female lead also good.
I haven't watched this in years, but i've got an urge to have a Marvel movie marathon after seeing that clip.
The Daredevil costume is one of the hardest to get right on-screen, while Spider-Man has a good mix of Red and Blue and details like the Webbing Pattern and big logos, the daredevil costume is pure Red spandex, even the logo is red.
Imagine the spider-man costume from the Raimi era in just Red, add a DD logo and different mask and that'd be the most comic accurate Daredevil, but it'd also look silly.
The Leather material of the movie suit gave the costume definition and shine, this made it look more busy that it was, for good or for bad the suit while not liked by most did the best it could with the source material while remaining accurate to the costumes core design.
Story, Plot & Characters:
Ben Afleck was decent as the lead, not perfect casting but he did well. the supporting actors were also okay, nothing special but okay. Colin Farrell had alot of energy for Bullseye and worked the best onscreen imo.
The story and plot were also decent, something about the film just didn't pop for people but i'd rate it a solid attempt that did alot right, Action was good.
People called this the Shrek Hulk because of his short build and light green colour. Most hate is, some like it.
I liked it becuase Hulks colour has changed throught his characters history, and when onscreen i thought he looked great in action and great when showing facials emotion.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The first Hulk film has very mixed audience opinions, there's a decidedly love it or hate it opinion.
Many went in expecting to just see hulk smash! and were left dissapointed by the emotiona heavy plot and lack of Hulk action. The editting was quite ambitious as it integrated comic book paneling which was an aquired taste.
I'd personally say this film was very ahead of it's time, To this day it remains the singular superhero film to really show the emotial affect of becoming super-human, Banner tried with difficulty to keep his emotions in check so as not to let out the beast and after felt great shame for his actions, in fact the movie was in essence about the emotional response to power, Bruce tried to repress it while his Father wanted it, two great contrasts and the editting was unique.
The plot was simply not what the audience wanted at the time. That coupled with the change in origin, limited action & a pretty lame villain in his father (who looked like a bum) made this film difficult for audiences to accept.
Casting wise, Eric Bana was recieved as well as Hulk, people for some reason didn't love him as Bruce Banner despite a solid performance. Jennifer Connely remains the best Betty on film and Sam Lane did very well as T-bolt Ross.
Costuming was near perfect, Punisher is easy to get right and they did it
Story, Plot & Characters:
The film was recieved well, people didn't love it crazily but they didn't hate it visiously either.
It sticks pretty close to the Comics, his family is murdered and he takes revenge. the details have changed throughout time but the key elemts remains the same.
The only real not-so-great things about the film were the casting and characters. Thomas Jane was fine a Frank Caslte, but John travolta camped it up too mucha nd Castles neghbours got too much screen time.
Movie was good but the wait continues a perfect Punisher film.
Fantastic Four
The FF costume is pretty hard to get wrong and they done it well, the plot also gave reason for them to be in costume (it remains in tact during and after they use their powers) which isn't done often.
The Thing does look dated and next time he's on-screen he'll probably be CGI, Dooms costume was okay when worn, not great.
Story, Plot & Characters:
The characters are meant to be fun and easy going and the movies, particularly the second installment, were fun and easy going, the plot of the first movie was decent, it introduced the characters and setting well, the second was much better as the switching powers plot was fun and made for some great scenes.
The biggest problem with the FF movies were the villains, Dr Doom wasn't the scientist magician equal in intelligence to Reed Richards he is in the Comics, his was a jealous corporate douche. Most of his time in the films he was out of mask and very vein, Doom wears a mask for a reason, they removed that reason and since he didn't resemble the characteristics of his comic counterpart he wasn't really Doom.
The less said about Galactus the better, however Siler Surfer was PERFECT, his colour, his body, his voice, his movements were all perfect. Even the 'Marvel Studios would do every movie better' crowd can't say Marvel could do Surfer better than FF2.
Casting was both good and bad. Jessica Alba was too sulty sexy for Sue Storm, Julian McMahon as Doom wasn't that good, but that was mostly down to him having too much facetime and being too much of a corporate businessman character. Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd and Chris Evans were all good as Reed, Ben and Johhny.
The FF movies did alot wrong, but also did alot right.
Seeing that video just made me damn thankful for all the Marvel movies from the start to where we are now, from the great to the poor, because without the earlier films that got certain things wrong we wouldn't have the films that get those certain things right due to the lessons learned.
Thank you New Line Cinema, Fox Studios and Sony Pictures for making Marvel movies on screen a reailty for us fans, without them we wouldn't have had great movies like Iron Man, Thor, Captain America (or any Marvel Studio financed movies), the excellent X-Men First Class, The Amazing Spider-Man, and the all the upcoming movies for us to enjoy.