The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
The significance of the Martha Moment™ seems to have been lost on many, .
I don't think the significance was lost at all. If anything, Snyder made it kind of obvious, which is fine. The flashback to his parents dying and saying the name and the tombstone scenes were probably unnecessary, but they had to make it obvious. Batman saving his mother was also obvious, but it made the warehouse scene good, probably the best sequence in the film, not just because of the action, but because of the motivation an set up.
I understand that the Martha moment is supposed to be this ironic magical movie moment between two very different characters that have something in common that most people never noticed before, but I think people have a problem with it because of the exceution, and set up, rather than not getting the message or meaning.
If anything, some people tend to overanalyze these movies or and find meaning in isolated scenes by noticing the historical or religious references that Snyder likes to use, and think those layers make the movie some kind of complex masterpiece that people just don't understand as a way to justify the negative reception, but in the process ignore the real flaws in the film's pacing, editing, dialogue, and writing.
A lot of people do that with the Matrix sequels, which I love, and understand all the Eastern philosophy and religious symbolism, but it doesn't mean I don't notice the bad cgi or the repetitive structure of the action sequences and long speeches scenes. Anyways, I'm glad you like BvS. I wish I could like it too.